DEAR GOD: Now and Always


Romans 8:38-39 - Wellspring Christian Ministries


No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:31:39 (NLT)


Troubles, financial debts, illness, chaos—these things are all “weak” and are small in the eyes of the LORD.  Meaning, nothing is too small for our Big God, who can handle any, and all infirmities, discrepancies, medical maladies, financial strongholds, etc., etc., etc.

It is through His Son, Christ Jesus, that renders endless answers, and who guides our choices, and sustains our souls.

He is the reinforcer of our mainstream called life, and He is the sole defender against our worst enemies.

And no matter what, we know without any doubt, that His love is invincible, and unsurpassed by anyone, or anything else in our world, or lives.

As Christians it is our love and trust for HIM, that gets us through each scenario, and pulls us from the “web of decay,” which is to say the world, and its glaring monstrosities.  He lifts us onto higher ground, while protecting us under His mighty wings, and it is there where we will find our sanctuary, and our peace.

So, for me, and all Christians alike…nothing, and no one will ever pull us from the love of God, or His Word, and His promises, and His Son, Jesus Christ.

“Father, thank You for the provisions that never cease to astound me, sustain me, amaze me, and protect me, You are my first, last and everything, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”