DEAR GOD: Honoring Him Every Single Day~

 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to [God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

1 Timothy 1:17 (NKJV)

Wherever I go, and whomever I’m speaking with, be it a family member, friend or stranger, I invariably reference the LORD, in the pursuit of whatever it is I’m doing at that particular moment.

What do I mean by that?  Well, I was speaking with my neighbor last week, and we were discussing the world as it is, and a vast array of other issues, including health, politics, groceries, inflation, all kinds of stuff that is on the minds of almost everyone today.  And while engaged in this friendly banter, I said, “It doesn’t matter what’s happening, because with God in my corner, I will get through it all. Without Him, I can’t do anything, and with Him I can get through everything. Amen.”

This particular neighbor is a Christian, and so she said an emphatic “Amen” herself. However, there are times where people who hear my praise and just sigh.  Or some may say, “must be nice to have that much faith…I wish I had some.”

Well, hang on a minute right there!  Wishing?  Wishing doesn’t bring on faith. Well then, you ask, what does?

Honoring the LORD and giving Him the respect, admiration, adoration, awe, praise and submission and obedience that He alone is worthy of is a good way to begin. We honor our parents, and respect authority, and value them greatly, do we not? However, honoring the LORD supersedes all else.

Reading the Word and becoming fully acquainted with the One who loves you far greater than any other being in this entire world and has loved you way before you were even formed in your mother’s womb, is the single most satisfying deed or action we can adhere to, concerning our LORD.

Who loves us deeply, fully, completely and openly? Who has given promises that are impregnable, unbreakable, and never ending? The LORD of lords who is LORD above all. Amen!

Let’s face facts.

We can’t coerce someone to believe or love the LORD, anymore that someone can convince me “NOT” to believe or love my LORD.

Nope that isn’t how faith works. Faith is also a gift from the Father of lights, He comes knocking at our hearts, it’s up to us to let Him in.

Remember in Acts 8:9-25, when Simon thought he could buy the power of the Holy Spirit?

Faith and belief can’t be bought. God’s love can’t be bought.  Nor can our passage to Heaven be bought.

Belief is a manifestation of awareness of the LORD and a keen insight to the Spirit within. It’s the innate plausibility of understanding spirituality, versus the ornate flesh.

It’s the acceptance of knowing that the LORD is Sovereign, and no one else surpasses Him, and embraces His Omnipotence, and Gospels and commandments as reverent and all consuming.

And most important, accepting God’s only begotten Son as our LORD and Savior, affirming and confirming His death and resurrection…and looking forward to our Eternal rewards.

I want to give Him glory, and praise His name, and give Him credit all day long, each day of my life.

He is love. He is peace. He is LORD. LORD above all.

Have you given recognition to Him during any conversation today? Have you witnessed His glory in and around you this week? Do you trust Him? Do you believe in Him? Do you want peace?  If you answered yes to all of these questions, you are truly blessed indeed.  If you answered yes to some or even one, that’s a blessing as well.  Maybe tomorrow or next week, you will answer “yes” to all of these questions, and more.

But here’s the best question of all.   “Do you know and love the LORD?”

Did you hear my reply?  I think you all know what my response is.

What’s your reply?

“LORD, thank You for Your love, promises, and forever guiding me through all the issues, circumstances and ordeals of life and whatever that entails, You are with me, morning, noon, night, and never take a day off from loving me, may I always reflect on Your love, promises, Presence, and Word, and give you Glory, today, tomorrow and Forever in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: All One Body of Christ~

One Body in Christ | Romans 12:4-5 - Tricia Goyer

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

John 13:34 (KJV)


Christians should never argue with one another for their particular “church” of choice. I’ve been party to so many disparaging comments being hurled among people of faith, each side accusing the other of “the wrong way of worshipping” or “interpreting” the Father’s Word.

Most recently, I was inadvertently pulled into a “heated discussion” by two friends. I listened to both and found myself within the circle of both voices shouting, to the point of escalating into an all-out adversarial camping ground of viperous like behavior towards each other!

It was awful, contentious, and highly uncomfortable to be witness to such outlandish behavior by “two supposedly Christian” people.

They eventually insisted on pulling me in, “What do you think? Who is right? Isn’t it ridiculous what she/he believes? What do you say? 

I always ask for guidance from the Spirit before responding to any given situation, especially one in which there seemingly didn’t appear to be any way they would acquiesce or back down, holding their stance like two bulls circling each other.

After a long pause I answered, “Yes, I have something to say…and the answer is Jesus. And Jesus no doubt might say something like, Ye of little faith…have you any thoughts of what I feel, say, or think? Don’t you realize we are all one body? And one church?”  

The two squawkers grew silent, waiting for more.  So, I obliged.

Jesus is the head of all of us, and we are part of a many membered bodies in Christ.  So, fighting one another for incidentals, or maligning each other’s churches is not the solution. The solution is our love of Christ. And being born again and accepting Him as our Lord and Savior. When we recompense and align with our “inner belief” with the Word, we are all one, and on the same team. Don’t you see that?”

Ears, eyes, mouths, lips, legs, arms, all are part of our bodies. One doesn’t necessarily work without the other, it’s all part of the body.  So, believing in Christ, and doing His work, following His Gospel and commandments, we are part of the body of Christ.  We become a cohesive orchestra demonstrating and solidifying Christ’s purpose for all of us. The orchestra becomes a smooth flowing and beautiful crescendo of His Word, ways, and love.

Yelling at each other with a “spirit of condemnation” and trying to “guilt” someone into accepting terms of another “so called religion” is not Christ like at all.

If someone is against Christ and doesn’t believe, that is an entirely different story. And there are many who are “anti-Christ” in and around each of us.  We my friends are believers who attend different physical buildings/churches. But the Church of Christ is within, and we are all one.

The Light of the LORD is prolific and shines into darkness of the world.

Is the world not “dark enough” without our condescending and lambasting of each other’s churches?  Are we not all believers?  Are we not all lovers of Christ? Why then do we fight and exhort one another when we are all of one body?

My friends agreed and actually offered each other their mutual abject apologies, and then hugged.

Sometimes it takes a “voice of reason” guided solely by the Holy Spirit to bring unity to opposing parties. It takes disciples of Christ to bring order and love into what can be a “hateful” gathering of individuals, who unknowingly bring a separation of power in His name, into what becomes a glorifying of the enemy. And that is not something we should aspire to do. In fact, we are to glorify Christ and set the enemy running due to our unity and love and His Word!

Because when Christians and those of Christ fight each other, are they not bringing joy to the very “darkness” and the “enemy?”

Voices and bodies unite as one in Christ, and glory His Word in actions, in thoughts of heart.

Love one another as I have loved you…”  is this not a familiar commandment?

Remember it the next time a blatant disparity of Spirit shows up to try and destroy unity.

Listen to His commandment and rejoice!



Time to Sing for Joy! | Exodus 15:1-10 Living Family devotion – Living ...

“Father, guide me and lead me all the days of my life, may I do all according to Your will and commandments, may the Spirit teach and direct me through all kinds of scenarios, predicaments, and situations, and to remember that we are all one body in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Never Alone~


” …and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Matthew 20:28 (KJV)


It’s an amazing feeling when the LORD suddenly quickens His word into your head, and the realization of His Presence embraces your entire being with peace, assurance and love.

There have been various circumstances over the years where I’ve been in medical situations, be it myself, husband or family, where I’ve been waiting “alone.”

The wait most times feels like an eternity has elapsed. But in reality, it can be just minutes or under an hour, sometimes a little more. the point is if you’re sitting there alone, as a patient, or waiting for word on a loved one…time becomes an elusive and disturbing reality.  It has a way of playing havoc with one’s mind, heart and soul.  If you let it!

My husband had eye surgery Wednesday, and family is in another state, friends are with their families for the long weekend, and most everyone is busy and living their lives, which is great.  So… I was waiting “alone.”  But I was not alone. I in fact, heard in my head, “I am with you always…”(Matthew 20:28)

The scripture was Clear, distinct, and resonated through my very being, right to my soul. (Hebrews 4:12) I felt His love, His embrace, and His Presence and knew all would be well. There were many issues I was concerned about, my husband has diabetes, and I was worried about his sugar, his blood pressure, and a host of many other issues.  But when I heard that scripture, all those wild rambling worrisome thoughts were tossed from my mind and thrown away into the wind. In its place, the soothing word of the LORD, His promises, and His love.  Oh….what a feeling, peace cascaded over me. Amen.

Do you realize He is with you always? When was the last time you felt His Presence and felt His peace?  Do you hear His voice? 

The next time you feel you’re “alone” remember; “He is with you always, even until the end of the world. Amen.”


Dearest LORD, thank You once again for Your peace, love, and powerful Presence in my life, especially while endeavoring to get through a stressful time, I love You, and I thank You for all You are, now, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Listening in His Name~

Matthew 7:24

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

1 Timothy 2:5 (KJV)


Family is precious, a jewel to behold, a gift from above…and a joy to embrace. In between the “love” there may be intense times that may conflict with our ties and bonds, such as disagreements or ideologies that just don’t meld. Kind of like vinegar and water so to speak.

There also may be individuals, other than family members, who invariably will call with their problems, issues of malcontent, or reports of alleged scenarios that border of ‘gossiping.’ Of course, there are group that will want to complain endlessly about their lives, or situations that seemingly never change. Most of which they bring on themselves!  No judgement here, I promise. We are all human, and all imperfect beings.

But what do we do with all of this info cascading into our world? For me it’s a no-brainer…I look to the Holy Spirit for help and guidance in these circumstances. No matter how big, or how small, or how petty, or how mundane…I search for wisdom and the ability to mediate on what I’m being presented with, no matter what, who, why, or where.

Since Christ is our main Mediator, and sits alongside our Father, it’s only natural that I run to Him. And there have been times I have literally ran into my space of “grace” and prayed fervently for His help.  He never fails to provide, Amen!

I look to His Word, and listen to His voice of reason, to quell, help, or ease any situations, or diffuse any malcontent individual, or individuals, by His strength, and His ability to direct me in all aspects of what’s happening.

Does this help me?  Oh yes it does! By placing my trust and complete confidence in the LORD, His love strengthens me, and gives me the innate ability to discern what to say, how to say it, and most importantly, “how to listen.”  His provisions are endlessly there each and every time.

Family members both near and far call me. I realized early on in life, that this was one of my gifts from God the spirit of listening.  No doubt the reason for the success I’ve had in my career in the nursing home industry. I listened, counseled, and tried to readily apply the tenets of Christianity into all I did, and do.

Are you listening to those around you?

Do you answer them by listening to God and His word?

The answers are there for you, all you have to do is “look, ask, believe.”


“Father, thank You for providing all the answers I need, and never letting me down, You are my Rock and Tower of strength, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



*Picture courtesy of Daily

DEAR GOD: Gathering Peace in a Noisy World~


Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27 (KJV)


Noise and unsettling views can catapult us into a seemingly endless spiral of chaos and uneasiness, if we let it.

Speaking personally, I’d rather embrace the word of God, and His promises because I choose to, and I love Him. And quite honestly… to offset the ugliness of the world.  I fully immerse myself in His voice and aspire to live by the very tenets of Christianity and all it entails.

When I “hear” Jesus’ words in John 14:27, I feel He is speaking directly to “me” and I hold and receive that promise, and engage in all that it means to be loved by Him.

The rewards of being redeemed by Christ and knowing we are safely ensconced under His protective wings of mercy and love is enough to “silence the harsh ugly realities” of the world’s voice.

The merit of being a follower and being unwavering in faith is difficult to put into words, but it is a feeling that fulfills me in ways I’ve never been before. His Word to me is a spoken guarantee of His love, and His provisions over my life.

It’s like Christ gives us the power in His name to “squash” the darkness and flood it with light.  And the quell the uneasiness within to a balm for my soul. His word, and His name is power, and at the same time it is like a mewing kitten, as it settles over me time and time again. The realization that He is giving me and leaving me His peace, is an actualization that brings me to my knees in thanksgiving.

Whom am I to fear when He is with me always?

Why should I listen to “noise” of the world, when I have His peace?

When you hear the screeching sounds of the world, do you listen for His voice instead?

Tuning in to the Spirit and trusting in Him at all times while accepting His voice and promises in the Word is the only way to go while here in the flesh. Only He can show us the way, bring truth, and give us life. (John 14:6)

“Father, thank You for Your Son, Christ, thank You for the promises of the word, and showing and leading us with truth, and ultimately giving us life, the noise of the world is silenced because of You, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Your Word, Promises &, Love~

But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29 (NKJV)


The Holy and Powerful Word of the LORD, His Promises, and His love, are truly the three essential key ingredients that get me through any given day, hour, minutes and seconds of my life.

His Word is vitally important to my existence and my overall well-being. It’s akin to a plant thirsting for water. I need Him to live.

I cannot drench myself enough in His Word, and I embrace His promises, and His unparalleled love.

It is crucial, and it is the air I breathe, and the sustenance my body seeks and needs.

When I face issues of grave concern, or minor matters of miniscule importance, it doesn’t matter which, the calm and reserves I need come only from the LORD above.

His Word and His Promises immediately download into my soul, that which is in my heart…that He loves me and will never leave me ever.

I then “hear” His voice, “Do not fear, be of good courage, have I not commanded you that I am with you and I will never leave you?”  And then I embrace and recite Psalm 23, and Proverbs 3:4-8, and within a little time, His peace cascades over me.

He brings ultra special comfort and provides the necessary semblance of totality that equates and connects to my entire being.

I respond to His gentle guidance, and His unsurpassed wisdom, as I retreat into His sanctuary.

I cannot get through a day without Him.

Can You?

And more to the point—Why would anyone want to get through a day without Him?

He will guide, and lead, and direct, and provide all that we need, and more.

There is one small caveat that is wrapped up in that equation.

We must seek Him in all we do, and love Him with all of our heart, mind, strength and put Him first. 

When we seek Him, we will find Him.

Have you looked for Him today?

Father, thank You for Your guidance adn direction and Word, Promises, and most especially Your unwavering love, thank You for all this and more, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Never Straying, Always Staying & Ever Praying~




So, Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 

  John 8:31-32 (ESV)

When a decision of importance is placed upon your head and heart, what do you do with it? Do you turn to God for His Wisdom and direction? Or do you call a friend? Perhaps make the decision unilaterally without any consultation?

I can say from personal experience that all the moves, decisions, or choices I’ve made with God, and praying about it, have all worked out exceedingly well.

Consequently, the ones I made in a moment or without thinking through it, most importantly, “praying” about it, have all been futile, and hapless overall.


Stay.  Staying with God, and being a follower of His ways, commandments, and accepting His love, is a gift. When He knocks on our heart and calls us ever so softly to come and “stay,” through His Words, and His Spirit guides us to steadily follow Him, we are assured the rewards of Eternal Life. The Comforter is here to stay, and how joyous is that declaration?  (John 16:7)


Don’t stray.  Be on board with God’s Word, and trust in Him with all of your heart and soul, acknowledge Him fully, and He will direct your paths. That’s one of many promises He makes, and He never disappoints or lets us down.  (Proverbs 3:5)

Pray.  Taking everything to God in prayer, is popular in songs, and in theory. But how many of us can honestly say, we in fact take “everything” to Him? Bringing our burdens and issues, and laying them down by the river, or at His feet, will strengthen our Christianity, and our unity in the Spirit. He hears our prayers, He sees our tears, and He heals our broken hearts. Taking everything to Him prayer is our inherent blessings as Children of God. And it solidifies and declares we believe in Him and surrender fully to Him in all we do and say. (Philippians 4:6-7)

I can honestly say, “I never want to stray, I want to stay with the LORD, and I enjoy when I pray. Amen.”


“Father, thank You for sending the Comforter to us, for guiding us, for loving us, and for bringing truth, light, love and LIFE to us, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Forever Loving You~




So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’ ”

Luke 10:27 (NKJV)



There have been references uttered in my circle of friends about my being overly “religious.”  Even some family members refer to me about being “pious,” and having no tolerance for contrary issues outside my religious parameters of acceptance.

Let me just say, although I don’t agree with the description of my character, I do agree with my “loving God,” to heights in which a lot of people may not relate. I am speaking about those who have a “luke-warm” or “mediocre” love for God.

Now, hang on. I’m not saying I’m “better” than anyone else, I’m just saying I don’t ascribe to their comments. I do say, and openly admit that I am “on fire” for God, and His Word, and His love.

Ostensibly, I don’t think I’m “religious,” because that word conjures up pictures of fire and brimstone. That is kind of what that word connotes for me, and probably the majority of individuals.

I am a woman of faith, and believe in God’s Omnipotence, Sovereign power, and His Holy Word.  And I choose to follow Him unconditionally, and acknowledge Him in all that I do, say, and believe.

I also feel very blessed when others refer to me as such, because in a way some individuals mock my belief, and faith.  So, I refer to Jesus saying, “be exceedingly glad when others mock you for my sake.”  So, I am in fact joyful and thrilled being known as a “Bible Thumper” or “Religious” one of the group. No problems here.

The facts are pure and simple.

I love Jesus!

I love Jehovah!

And I love how He loves me!

Do you know how much Jesus loves you? 

Do you smile if others refer to you as a “Religious” fanatic for Jesus? 

If you do, “be glad, be exceedingly glad.”


“Father, thank You for loving me, may I always be in awe of Your Omnipotence, Your Sovereign Power, and know You are always in control, may I do all for You today and forever, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Matthew 5:11-12

Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

DEAR GOD: Foggy Thoughts Clear Away With You LORD~





 Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2 (NIV)


I notice in my personal experience that when my thoughts are “cloudy” or not focused it stems from “overload” of worldly contents. In other words all of the goings on in the world that are “going on.”

Let me get to that plainly.  When I get an “overload” of evil images on the news, or horrific breaking news stories that pour into my line of vision and hearing, I get a vibe, and my thoughts become crowded with such deeds/actions.

What do I do? What works for me?  I open the Bible, and start downloading the Word and fill my senses, heart mind and soul with scripture, and I feel the “veil of doubt and obscurity” fall away opening my mind to clarity and peace.

God’s Word and His Spirit is my “go to” for all aspects of my life, and most particularly when my mind is being filled with the “world.”

Some people do different things to bring a vision of peace. Some go for their morning runs, some exercise at gyms, and both are great!  However, for me, exercising my spirit in His soothing Word is balm to my soul and the remedy for peace of mind.  That is the best exercise I could ever do for my whole being.

Want peace and strength and wisdom?  Seek God daily and open to His ways, His Word, and His love, and you will be overflowing with all these things and more!


LORD, thank You for Your love, Your Word, and Your guidance in all I do, see and say, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”





 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Romans 12:2 (KJV)




DEAR GOD: Now and Always


Romans 8:38-39 - Wellspring Christian Ministries


No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:31:39 (NLT)


Troubles, financial debts, illness, chaos—these things are all “weak” and are small in the eyes of the LORD.  Meaning, nothing is too small for our Big God, who can handle any, and all infirmities, discrepancies, medical maladies, financial strongholds, etc., etc., etc.

It is through His Son, Christ Jesus, that renders endless answers, and who guides our choices, and sustains our souls.

He is the reinforcer of our mainstream called life, and He is the sole defender against our worst enemies.

And no matter what, we know without any doubt, that His love is invincible, and unsurpassed by anyone, or anything else in our world, or lives.

As Christians it is our love and trust for HIM, that gets us through each scenario, and pulls us from the “web of decay,” which is to say the world, and its glaring monstrosities.  He lifts us onto higher ground, while protecting us under His mighty wings, and it is there where we will find our sanctuary, and our peace.

So, for me, and all Christians alike…nothing, and no one will ever pull us from the love of God, or His Word, and His promises, and His Son, Jesus Christ.

“Father, thank You for the provisions that never cease to astound me, sustain me, amaze me, and protect me, You are my first, last and everything, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”