DEAR GOD: Love Love & More Love~


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 And above all this put-on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.   

Colossians 3:14 (ESV)



Reflecting on God’s love and truth for us is a “call for us to love” one another.  Meditating on His Word helps to reinforce and allows us to fully comprehend the power of that love, through His light.  It helps to support so many facets of our lives. Such as our marriages, our relationships of our family, friends, neighbors, and our enemies.

The Holy Bible states emphatically that the LORD is love, which makes the Word a perfect source to know just what that love means, and how we in turn might demonstrate His love towards others.

Reading the Word enables us to grow closer to the LORD while solidifying our love for Him. Along with our reading the scriptures and putting them into practice as we go about living our lives, we as well as others, begin to see the changes emerging in our hearts and mind, which is to encapsulate and emulate, selfless love.

He made us in love, and His love is what makes us who we are.  So, walking in His light, and obeying His Word allows us to fully develop as Christians.

Love is what we are made from, and Love from the LORD is the very “air we breathe” that is to say, LIFE.

We live because of Him, now and forever, Amen.

“Father, thank You for breathing life into my soul and creating me because of Your love, I pray I do all to please You today and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


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