DEAR GOD: Flowers Fading, Grass Withering~


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During the course of our lifetime, we will encounter warfare; but our struggles will not last always.  Adversities, troubles and sadness are powerfully removed in love.  And who loves us more than our LORD?  No one.  

In the atonement of the crucifixion and death of Christ, the powerful mercy of our LORD and His love, our sin was pardoned. His sacrifice made by his death, was of enormous value that is unsurpassed. But His love as perpetuity, is something that we need to grasp and embrace as we go through this life that we have here on earth, until we are able to “love Him” in our Eternal home.

The verse in Isaiah concerning “His Word” living forever is a reason to rejoice, as it encompasses His unwavering love and truth for His children. It supports the realization that when our journey is complete and we draw our last breath, we come into His Kingdom and receive our eternal rewards for serving Him, all the days of our lives.

Knowing that flowers fade away, and grass will wither, and seasons will come and go is a given, but through this cycle, and all else, His WORD and HIS love will never die.

It is His love that gives us eternal life.

It is His Word that gives us guidance.

It is His grace that surrounds us.

His Word, His love, His strength, His guidance, and His commandments are the tenets of which we survive and which we subscribe to.

It comes down to the only thing that truly matters in this world, is His love and word and living according to His will and purpose. Shine our inner light to those who live in the darkness and spread seeds of love and His word to those who need it, and especially to those who don’t seem to know they do.

In the meantime, as you gaze at the beauty of the flower and the green meadows of emerald grass, try to visualize that although these things of beauty will one day fade, wither, die…be of good cheer, because His Word is iron clad, and will stand forever.  Amen!


Father, thank You for Your word and for Your promises and unconditional unrelenting love, may I embrace this reality all the days of my life, and may I be pleasing in Your eyes in all I do, in Jesus name, Amen.”