DEAR GOD: Friends Near & Across the Miles~



God’s creations are all masterfully chiseled by His divine hands of mercy and grace.  His Magnificence is evident in all things, if we take the time to reflect and understand the importance of the Universe and His message.

Family, friends, colleagues, associates, neighbors and the like, are all part of “God’s creation” and essentially part of who we are.  God sends people in and out of our lives for reasons. Sometimes the reasons are known, other times not too clear as to the purpose, but still always a reason for it.

And sometimes we are blessed to make strong connections irrespective of the demographics.  In other words, some friendships are stronger than those that are close by.  We can make solid and blessed friends with those miles and miles away, or across an ocean even!

I’ve been blessed to have been given a gift of connections both close by and across the miles/ocean.  And all are important and have made impacts on my life one way or another.  As all are part of a journey I’ve established through God’s will and purpose for my life, and ostensibly theirs as well.

If we ponder and reflect on our lives and think of all the times that God guided us through hurdles, tribulations, and heartache, it will be incomprehensible and difficult for the human brain to fully absorb, and too numerous to count.

However, He did/does it, nonetheless.

Only God can do this for us.

One of the ways is through friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues and neighbors.  Each one held/holds a part in who we are, some contributed in big ways, and others a smaller, yet significant way that was enough to make an impact on our souls.

However, it’s so critically important to never forget who is behind it all, “our LORD.”

Who does all things for our good, and never ceases to bring us through anything and everything.

And who never leaves us, continuously guiding us, protecting us, showing us, and loving us through it all.

Today, as you go through your tasks, routines, and all of your daily activities, remember your friends from long ago, others who made a brief appearance in your life, and those who remain steadfast and an integral part of who you are and who you’ve become.

And God, who continues to shape us into bearing more and more fruit, and who is behind us all the way in this life, and on this earth.

Then remember that it is God that never forsakes, deserts, or disappoints us. And who will ultimately bring you home where you will be for all eternity. Amen.


“Father my LORD, thank You for all of the connections in my life, from the early days of my life to this very moment, and for all the days to come, and I thank You for never leaving me stranded, not even for one second of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Colossians 3:17 (KJV)