DEAR GOD: Light & Life of My Heart & Soul~




Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”

( John 8:12)


Jesus is our Eternal Light who was there before the foundation of the world, came to our temporal home to rescue us from sin and death, and who is our lamp when all things are done and gone, but actually have just begun!

A question was asked on a recent show from a renown Pastor, and it went like this: “Do you have any regrets in life?”

There was a collective sigh from the audience, to which the Pastor responded with, “Oh, yes…I hear that all the time when I ask that question. It never gets old.” And after some raucous laughter, he looked out to the people and said, “I hope that not accepting Jesus as LORD and Savior is not included on that list of regrets.”

That somber mind jarring and soul stirring comment lends pause for reflection and truth.

There are countless people who right now, don’t know Jesus, and haven’t any idea who He is, or what He has done for us. Conversely, and sadly…there are those who do know Him, but DO NOT tell others about Him or His story.

I believe Jesus said, “Don’t put your light in a basket, but on a table so all those who enter the room can see it.” (Matthew 5:15)

Finding and accepting Jesus is an inherently crucial component of Christianity, and when we acquiesce to all according to His will and purpose for our lives, the light from within, shines brighter and brighter, and all around can see it.

The “eternal light” will never be diminished or extinguished and will shine forever, pushing away the darkness, bringing a glimpse of “eternal life” to all who experience it on this earth, and knowing the rewards that follow in the “permanent life” as we will know it when we are called home. Amen!

“Father God, thank You for the Eternal Light and Life that sustains and provides for me here on earth, today, tomorrow and forever, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”