DEAR GOD: Silencing the World by Your Word & Light~



Personally, the current “sounds” of the world overall is getting extremely “loud” and the chaos is palpable.  It is a pivotal moment in history and there are all kinds of precedents and “firsts” occurring by the second.

The “shrill sounds of evil” permeate and transcend across the Continents and can drown out the “beautiful voice of the LORD”–-IF we are not careful.  We must be “listening” to the right voice at all times. And standing in the Light away from the darkness that seems to engulf the Universe at times.

Who is that voice? Who is that Light?

Our powerful Sovereign and Almighty LORD.

Quieting the sounds of the world can be challenging, but running to His Word, and wrapping ourselves in His promises and His love is essential to surviving the rough times, and the rough terrain that we currently stand upon.

However, when we stand on the Rock…our foundation will not shift, nor sink and will withstand all the elements of weather, which is to say…”conditions” of the world and its hideous issues that proliferate the news, media, and conversation.

Trusting in God and His love is what gets me through any given day, second or hour.  It is the quintessential pinnacle of what gives me hope and assures me that “everything will be okay” no matter what we are facing outwardly.  Because inwardly, we have the Spirit and Comforter, guiding us. Bringing us to fruition in the arms of His love and grace.

“Don’t cover your ears” instead open them up to the soothing voice of the LORD and His Word.

Thank Him for His promises that are unending, and for His love which is unparalleled and boundless.

And His guidance that propels us onto paths of righteousness through which we will only accomplish through Him and Him alone.

Silence the world and its ugly shrill of monotonous drone.

Instead open up to the sounds of “His Majesty, our One and only Royal King of kings, and Lord of lords,” then embrace the peace in which only He can deliver, And stand in the Light of His love. Amen.

“Thank You Father for Your voice of reason, love and peace, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Being a Peacemaker~

Be A Peacemaker – Peace Be With U


Suffice to say, that within most families there is a “peace maker” and a “mediator” that all family members run to!  That person in my family is usually “me.”  This pertains to brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, etc.

It is not “me” behind being a peacemaker.  Instead, of course it is God , who plays a pivotal role in the assembly of said situations and gives a “calling” to those who are intended for this type of “career.”

It’s interesting to note that I am the “youngest” of my family, and yet…God has chosen to give me a role is “listening” and guiding individuals to the path of least resistance, in this case…harmony.  Or at the very least, peaceful outcomes overall.

It is an ultimate honor being in the capacity of peacemaker.  It is a gift from the Father of lights and it is one I don’t take lightly. Nor do I take any other gift from Him at any time, lightly. Instead, it is a privilege and a crucial component to my Christian faith, and I would hope, a testimony of my love for Him.

Recognize and understand that we all have roles in the body of Christ.  We are all extensions of Him and all part of the unity of being faithful followers, giving Him glory and uplifting Him by our cohesive measures.

Some are teachers, some are encouragers, some are listeners, some are peacemakers, and more than not, most of us have many talents/gifts that God has ordained us for.  The important thing is to fully enact and engage upon your gifts before they are “taken away.”  In other words, use them or lose them.

Have you tapped into your “gifts” today?

Father, Thank You, from the bottom of my heart, it is my utmost honor to serve You in the capacity in which you have ordained me, may I follow You all the days of my life, and may I be pleasing to You and follow Your will, and in so doing, may it bring You glory at all times, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Your Wings of Healing~


301 Moved Permanently




But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.

Malachi 4:2 (NLT)


The word “fear” here is a reverence, devotion to the LORD.  And God promises to separate those of righteous nature and followers from those who are “wicked.” Those who love and dedicate themselves to the LORD, are promised great rewards, and overflowing joy…

Believing and serving God are truly gifts from above, and a joy overall.  Taking note of all things at all times in the spiritual sense is good practice in terms of living “life” to the fullest, and in accordance with His Word, which ultimately will result in harmonious living.

Living for God, loving Him, honoring Him, acquiescing, and surrendering to His ways, is a goal which should be sought in earnest and in spirit.

Love the LORD, with all your heart, mind, strength and soul…and when we do, the “sun of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings.”  And that healing encompasses all parts of our body, inside and out!



“Father, may I always be mindful of Your love, and follow Your will all the days of my life, may I trust You implicitly, and may I always remember that You are in control all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Promoting Harmony & Peace~





Hebrew 12: 14 

 Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy, without holiness no one will see the Lord.  


As those of faith, we are to be peaceful, and compassionate to others needs and their situations. When we embrace peace, and accept the Words of the LORD, and revere Him and His ways, we inherently become a part of His Kingdom, and we should aspire to seek His face in all we do.

Hoping to engage our inner selves to outwardly reflect that of which the LORD intends us to do can bring about a wealth of goodness that is overflowing, and thus represent and become witness for His glory.

Pressing on to do good and promote harmony will result in peace for not only ourselves, but others as well.


“LORD may I always ascribe to Your Word, Your voice, and Your ways, today tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Fuel Your Spirit~

Spirit Fuel – Prophetic and Encouraging News, Words and More!



I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship,

Matthew 18:18 (NKJV)



An automobile needs fuel to be productive and requires it to get to the destination by the “owner” of the vehicle.  And much like the automobile, our spirit needs “fuel” to get to their eventual destination.

When our spirit is running low, we are apt to go in another direction, one that could prove to be dangerously ill prepared for the world, and life overall.

What is the fuel of spirit?  God, God, God and more God.

In the turn of everyday events and the limited time to accomplish certain scenarios or routines, we may start to “run low” on God’s fuel.  When that happens, we can become sluggish in reacting to worldly situations, that can be detrimental to being fruitful, and helpful to not only family, friends and neighbors, but ourselves too.

When we don’t partake in “God’s daily fuel” for our spirits, we begin to slide down a slippery slope, we could become inept in attempts to navigate properly in our journey here on earth.  All we do here reflects what will be in heaven. (Matthew 18:18)

Opening up to meditating on His Word, praying, and obeying His will for His purpose in life, is the “golden elixir fuel of life.”  Fuel that not only helps with all of our issues, of both good and bad, but helps us compensate and overcome things that would otherwise be “impossible” to do.

With God all things are possible.  Without Him nothing makes sense.

If your car is in your garage deplete of gasoline, is it worth anything? Can it do anything but “sit” in its spot?  Can it go anywhere?

So too is our spirit.

Replete yourself with the best fuel of all, “God” and His mercy and love.  

Check your “fuel” today, and if you’re low…it’s time for a “fill-up.” Amen!

“Dear Father, my Lord, fill my spirit with Your powerful fuel, may I never be empty of Your Word, and ways, may I always be replete in Your love, commandments, and will, and may I never forget to stop in everyday to fuel my inner spirits to overflowing, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Friends Near & Across the Miles~



God’s creations are all masterfully chiseled by His divine hands of mercy and grace.  His Magnificence is evident in all things, if we take the time to reflect and understand the importance of the Universe and His message.

Family, friends, colleagues, associates, neighbors and the like, are all part of “God’s creation” and essentially part of who we are.  God sends people in and out of our lives for reasons. Sometimes the reasons are known, other times not too clear as to the purpose, but still always a reason for it.

And sometimes we are blessed to make strong connections irrespective of the demographics.  In other words, some friendships are stronger than those that are close by.  We can make solid and blessed friends with those miles and miles away, or across an ocean even!

I’ve been blessed to have been given a gift of connections both close by and across the miles/ocean.  And all are important and have made impacts on my life one way or another.  As all are part of a journey I’ve established through God’s will and purpose for my life, and ostensibly theirs as well.

If we ponder and reflect on our lives and think of all the times that God guided us through hurdles, tribulations, and heartache, it will be incomprehensible and difficult for the human brain to fully absorb, and too numerous to count.

However, He did/does it, nonetheless.

Only God can do this for us.

One of the ways is through friends, family, acquaintances, colleagues and neighbors.  Each one held/holds a part in who we are, some contributed in big ways, and others a smaller, yet significant way that was enough to make an impact on our souls.

However, it’s so critically important to never forget who is behind it all, “our LORD.”

Who does all things for our good, and never ceases to bring us through anything and everything.

And who never leaves us, continuously guiding us, protecting us, showing us, and loving us through it all.

Today, as you go through your tasks, routines, and all of your daily activities, remember your friends from long ago, others who made a brief appearance in your life, and those who remain steadfast and an integral part of who you are and who you’ve become.

And God, who continues to shape us into bearing more and more fruit, and who is behind us all the way in this life, and on this earth.

Then remember that it is God that never forsakes, deserts, or disappoints us. And who will ultimately bring you home where you will be for all eternity. Amen.


“Father my LORD, thank You for all of the connections in my life, from the early days of my life to this very moment, and for all the days to come, and I thank You for never leaving me stranded, not even for one second of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Colossians 3:17 (KJV)



DEAR GOD: “Thank You~”


Thank You Illustration Word Cloud In Different Languages Stock ...


O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. 

Psalm 107:1 (KJV)


Did you ever wake up and just merely say “Thank You” to God?

I mean, just a simple “thank You” and nothing more?

Well, I’m sure many do.  But in my own personal experience of speaking with others, the “thank You” is usually followed by many requests for their own purposes, or perhaps for others.  Which of course, is the hallmark calling card of faithful Christians, praying, acknowledging and trusting in Him for all things.  But, once in awhile…it’s good to just look up and say, “Thank You!”

It’s like parents.  They love their children, give them love, support and protection, no matter what.  Children ask, “give me this, or give me that” and on it goes.  But as a parent, isn’t it an incredulous feeling of joy to hear a child just say, “Good morning, Mom/Dad—thank you for everything you do in my life.”

Sometimes we need to redirect our thoughts and realize the enormity of the situation in terms of God’s love for us, His children.  He listens, provides, protects, watches over us, and gives us His heart relentlessly, no matter what.  So what a joy for the LORD if and when He hears one of us utter, “Thank You LORD for everything you do in my life, past, present and to come. I love you. Thank you!”

So today, give it a try if you already haven’t done so.  Bring a smile and an abundance of joy to the LORD, smile and say, no matter what language you choose to say it in, just say …”Thank You!”   

“Father, my LORD, thank You! I love You, adore You, and give you all thanks today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Seeking Your Face in All~

Isaiah 55:6 Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He ...


But if from there you will seek the LORD your God, you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.

Deuteronomy 4:29 (BSB)


Being devoted to God and His Word is essential to being a follower and Christian.  Seeking God daily and turning to Him for all of the answers is vitally important in the application of walking by the Spirit.   When we choose the LORD and download His word into our “minds” and “hearts” we become heir apparent to the promises of God and the rewards which are to come in our permanent home, Eternity.

Reading His Word is crucial, but we must go further than that in our Christianity. When we “fully engage” the spirit from within and walk in obedience to His will and purpose for our lives, we begin to evolve into a higher realm of closeness to the LORD.  As we draw near to God, He will in turn respond favorably, and we can aspire to do what we are called to do and be.

Drawing close to God makes us become more intimate with Him and His Word, and commandments. ” Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you James 4:7:8 (NJKV)

Knowing God, loving God, and being faithfully devoted to Him, is a daily practice and reality of who we are as Christians.

Our compassion for others, and tendency to help those who are in need and perhaps in the dark is fundamentally a huge part and purpose of who we are as well.

As we seek the LORD, we are in turn seeking a deeper root and foundation of our inner “spirit” and grafting onto Him more and more.

Seek Him, while He can still be found. 

“He’s waiting for you…”

Father, my LORD, may I seek Your face in all I do, may I do all things to please You, and may I find favor in Your eyes in my words, in my thoughts, and what I do, and may I never lose sight of Your love, Your mercy and Your will, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Light & Life of My Heart & Soul~




Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”

( John 8:12)


Jesus is our Eternal Light who was there before the foundation of the world, came to our temporal home to rescue us from sin and death, and who is our lamp when all things are done and gone, but actually have just begun!

A question was asked on a recent show from a renown Pastor, and it went like this: “Do you have any regrets in life?”

There was a collective sigh from the audience, to which the Pastor responded with, “Oh, yes…I hear that all the time when I ask that question. It never gets old.” And after some raucous laughter, he looked out to the people and said, “I hope that not accepting Jesus as LORD and Savior is not included on that list of regrets.”

That somber mind jarring and soul stirring comment lends pause for reflection and truth.

There are countless people who right now, don’t know Jesus, and haven’t any idea who He is, or what He has done for us. Conversely, and sadly…there are those who do know Him, but DO NOT tell others about Him or His story.

I believe Jesus said, “Don’t put your light in a basket, but on a table so all those who enter the room can see it.” (Matthew 5:15)

Finding and accepting Jesus is an inherently crucial component of Christianity, and when we acquiesce to all according to His will and purpose for our lives, the light from within, shines brighter and brighter, and all around can see it.

The “eternal light” will never be diminished or extinguished and will shine forever, pushing away the darkness, bringing a glimpse of “eternal life” to all who experience it on this earth, and knowing the rewards that follow in the “permanent life” as we will know it when we are called home. Amen!

“Father God, thank You for the Eternal Light and Life that sustains and provides for me here on earth, today, tomorrow and forever, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Wisdom From Above~

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

James 1:5 (NKJV)


Did you ever have a day that while you’re whizzing about only to find that everything that transpired on that particular day was all perfect, and according to what you desired?

Do you know what that is called? Wisdom from above.”

Yes, wisdom from high above, sent down directly by the Father of lights.

It is something we inherently gain as we seek His face and learn His Word.

It is a quintessential aspect of being Christian and being obedient.

It is a discerning spirit that comes from within, and it is the growing love we show towards our Father.  That and more, it how Wisdom is formed in a Spiritual sense.

Being confident in deeds and tasks that we endeavor on a daily basis is one thing, but to be “wise in our own eyes” is quite another. (Proverbs 3:5-8)  

We cannot operate in a “lone wolf” capacity in terms of Spirituality. It is an ongoing process that incorporates and breathes into our very souls.  That breath is from God, and He alone is the One that provides, guides, and applies all that we need. And that started when He formed us in our mother’s wombs, continues to this very day, and will until we take our last breath and join Him in Eternal rewards of Heaven.

It is a good rule of thumb to know that all “Wisdom” comes from above, and it is a gift and an inheritance of God’s children.

Knowing, obeying, and loving God is in fact, “WISDOM.”

Father, thank You for Your gift of knowledge, which is to say wisdom, may I do all according to Your will and purpose in my life, today and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



All wisdom comes from the Lord, and so do common sense and understanding. God gives helpful advice to everyone who obeys him and protects all of those who live as they should. Proverbs 2:6-7 (CEV) 



Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.  Psalm 51:6, (ESV)