DEAR GOD: Wheels go Round and Round~



To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1


Remember the song, “The wheels on the Bus, go round and round…round and round, round and round…” 

I heard that tune in my head today as I was searching for answers to some “personal conflicts” that I’m encountering lately.

First off, it’s depressing outside.

Snow, ice, sleet, darkness, cold.  I cannot take winter anymore, especially now as an “older woman” LOL.  So, the weather is enhancing the feelings of an already “continuous circle of Deja vu.”  And that’s when that song pulsated through my brain.

Also, an image of a Hamster on a wheel along with the song helped catapult my imagination into full force productivity.

I’m currently in the last days of “winter” and looking forward to the “season of spring.”  And just as there are seasons here in New England, so too are seasons of life overall.

We, as Christians, know God brings us through whatever we’re facing, and helps us out of situations that can be paralyzingly painful. And those are human seasons which we all can attest to:

Seasons of happiness.

Seasons of sadness.

Seasons of indecisiveness.

Seasons of youth.

Seasons of old.

Seasons of life.

Seasons of death,

In seasons, we can gain entry onto a higher realm of Christianity, for it is how we face the trials, and how we face the triumphant occasions that truly matter.  And with God, all things are possible, and nothing is impossible with God!

Looking to the LORD, for guidance and a fuller understanding of life, are the precursors to the “hamster on the wheel syndrome.”  Going to the LORD is the most astute and advantageous route to go.

With a broad base knowledge of His Word and applying scripture to the very course of action we pursue in life, can in fact, allow us to “jump off the wheel” and plant our feet firmly in the solid foundation, which is to say, “CHRIST.”

How are you getting along?

If you know God, I’m pretty sure your feet are steady and sure, and your exercise is not “a wheel” of indecision, but one in which you seek “higher ground, and future rewards.”


“Father, my LORD, thank You for always having my back, and for bringing me off that wheel, and through all the seasons of my life since I was born, may I stand on Your solid foundation, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”