DEAR GOD: Your Light & Your Love~





1 John 1:5 - God is Light; in him there is no darkness at all ...


It is clearly apparent that the LORD loves His children, as evidenced by so many miracles and circumstances that have happened since the beginning of time, and assuredly continue to this very day.  If we take the time to “search” out the matter, God will give us the wisdom to ascertain it readily, and recognize whatever it is, whenever, and wherever it is.

Of course, on the other hand, there were many things that angered the LORD and so many of His children were ‘cursed’ or punished along the way. The Bible gives prime examples of “curses and blessings” especially in the OT. Exodus is one of several places where you can read about that.

Listening, obeying and being compliant with our “LifeSource” which is to say, our One and only God, we are able to receive His promises, and blessings, and share them with others as well.

Searching out issues or scenarios comes from spiritual discernment that is a gift from God.  It allows us to focus and be a crucial part of the body of Christ. We are able to resume and counterbalance the “darkness” with the Light from God.

We are able to distinguish the fires of “hate” with the “consuming fire of Love” that stems from above and proliferates the world…if… and when we take the time to comprehend and react according to His will, and purpose for our lives.

Follow His light, and receive His love. There isn’t anything else like it in the entire world. Nothing can describe it, nothing is above it, and nothing will surpass it.

Father, may I continue to follow Your light, guide me and show me the way, help and grant me Your wisdom and spiritual discernment, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”