DEAR GOD: I Choose Your Grace Above the World~



If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua 24:15 NASB



Astounding choices are readily available to most individuals. And within those choices are repercussions that can be devastating if the person makes the “wrong choice.”

Having the LORD’s grace over our lives is an insurmountable luxury and gift that goes beyond the human mind of understanding. It is an irrefutable paradox that is seated outside the realms of our vision.

Our discerning Spirit usually will guide us, yet circumstances might prevail where we might slip into an orb of indifference pertaining to our surroundings.

This is the “world” and the influence of sweeping temptations that abound, but those of the spirit will find most of the worldly goods an abomination, as does the LORD.

I’m speaking mainly and specifically about the evil that is swirling about. It’s in the air, on the news, in the media, on social media, in conversations, and in actions. It’s palpable at times and unbearable at others.

Evil seeks to thwart goodness and override the light with suffocating darkness and oblivion that can taunt those who aren’t careful. It can rip families and friends into pieces, and manifest into physical torment, or emotional pain. It can be a place of happenstance that is just there to “test your strength” and “faith.”

Can you withstand the “horrendous” flurry of evil?

It can be glaringly obvious. 

Or it can be subtle and seemingly harmless.

Remember the enemy “roars about seeking to destroy” and most times is in disguise. Not all evil is obvious, some might appear innocent. That’s why it’s so important, especially in these end times, to have the “Word” downloaded in our minds, heart and soul. It’s crucial to be able to reach into the bible and speak scripture from our hearts or others along the way.

While there isn’t “all evil” behind every corner or every bush, it’s our inherent duty as Christians to be aware, wise, and willing to walk the path of righteousness, and obedience to His will at all times.

How beautiful that we have a Savior and are able to dwell safely in His sanctuary.  How joyous to know He loves us and is with us always.

And how spectacular to know that His grace and love are above it all, and He is in control at all times.

“Father my LORD, thank You for assigning me as a servant of Your army, and for giving me the gift of Your love, and for granting me the wisdom to discern foreboding situations through Your Word, and for Your guidance and grace, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”