DEAR GOD: Your Peace Melts Confliction~

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When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. Isaiah 43.2


Anxious about what’s going to happen next? Or frustrated things aren’t where you had imagined they’d be at this point in time?

Well, that’s okay, because these are all legitimate and perfectly normal thoughts of contemplation, while here on earth.

All within the realm of being human, and yes…even being Christian and trusting God for ALL things…we can’t help but be human with human emotions.

Confliction can essentially be damaging to one’s faith. We know what we believe, and that God is in control.  However, when faced with dire circumstances or life decisions…we can “slip over into an area” that can be contrary to being a Christian.

A friend was mentioning today that she was so frustrated with her medical issues, and angry that doctors don’t seem to be helping her get better or get relief. Then on a dime she sobbed, “What’s wrong with me? I’m a Christian and I’m anxious and scared, we’re not supposed to be. That’s coming from another place, right?”

Being human can be difficult when we “feel anxious” or wander into “catastrophic” thinking.  It can become a harness of doom that breeds adversarial grounds of internal conflicts.  Or as we know it better, “a battlefield in our minds” as our spirit versus flesh.

When faced with feelings that are arbitrary to the Bible and God’s ways, that’s when we need to say “LORD, You know I’m human, and know me better than I know myself, help me to realize You’re in control, I’ll be okay, and You understand me fully, and love me.”

Don’t allow guilt to consume you.  Or lather yourself with continuous thoughts of gloom or doom.  Remember, when we are weak, that’s when God is the strongest, and when we are down, that’s when God will lift us higher.

So don’t beat up on yourself, embrace the LORD, and face the light as you turn to the promises and Word of God.  Once we filter in His ways, and His Word, we begin to get focused, and clarity and strength are renewed.

“Father, help me to bypass the frailties of the flesh and gain access into the spiritual aspects of importance, in Jesus Christ name, I receive Your love, and Your Word, and Your Presence, Amen.”




Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10