DEAR GOD: Wheels go Round and Round~



To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1


Remember the song, “The wheels on the Bus, go round and round…round and round, round and round…” 

I heard that tune in my head today as I was searching for answers to some “personal conflicts” that I’m encountering lately.

First off, it’s depressing outside.

Snow, ice, sleet, darkness, cold.  I cannot take winter anymore, especially now as an “older woman” LOL.  So, the weather is enhancing the feelings of an already “continuous circle of Deja vu.”  And that’s when that song pulsated through my brain.

Also, an image of a Hamster on a wheel along with the song helped catapult my imagination into full force productivity.

I’m currently in the last days of “winter” and looking forward to the “season of spring.”  And just as there are seasons here in New England, so too are seasons of life overall.

We, as Christians, know God brings us through whatever we’re facing, and helps us out of situations that can be paralyzingly painful. And those are human seasons which we all can attest to:

Seasons of happiness.

Seasons of sadness.

Seasons of indecisiveness.

Seasons of youth.

Seasons of old.

Seasons of life.

Seasons of death,

In seasons, we can gain entry onto a higher realm of Christianity, for it is how we face the trials, and how we face the triumphant occasions that truly matter.  And with God, all things are possible, and nothing is impossible with God!

Looking to the LORD, for guidance and a fuller understanding of life, are the precursors to the “hamster on the wheel syndrome.”  Going to the LORD is the most astute and advantageous route to go.

With a broad base knowledge of His Word and applying scripture to the very course of action we pursue in life, can in fact, allow us to “jump off the wheel” and plant our feet firmly in the solid foundation, which is to say, “CHRIST.”

How are you getting along?

If you know God, I’m pretty sure your feet are steady and sure, and your exercise is not “a wheel” of indecision, but one in which you seek “higher ground, and future rewards.”


“Father, my LORD, thank You for always having my back, and for bringing me off that wheel, and through all the seasons of my life since I was born, may I stand on Your solid foundation, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Protect us From Temptation~


Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…” 

(Matthew 6:9)


Staring in Genesis, Adam and Eve gave into temptation in the Garden of Evil. The LORD warned them vehemently not to eat from the “tree of good and evil,” and that they could freely partake in the “Tree of Life.”

They rationalized, after they were beguiled by the serpent, but God wouldn’t hear of it.  He then passed down His judgement for their indiscretion, and for their blatant disobedience.  Because of them, we were born to be rebellious, as their sin was passed down to all of us. Sinful nature was inherited due to that ill-fated day in the “The Garden of Eden.”

Jesus changed all of that.  God loved us so much that He gave humanity another chance to “listen and repent” and to be reconciled to Him.

The Son of God came willingly to partake in the most vicious and brutal incomprehensible acts of torture for “us.”  For us!

That was the Greatest love story ever told. 

That was the Greatest love story ever demonstrated.

Accepting the LORD Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior, repenting and being born again in Him, we will be able to “join God in Paradise for eternity” when we are called home.

Following Him, obeying His commandments, and putting Him first in all things at all times, and doing all according to His will. This will produce fruits in season and rewards that will be forthcoming, here and in our eternal homes, forever more.

Worship the LORD your God, and only Him shall we serve, and with a thankful heart and a loving spirit, we go forward to accomplish that which He set us forth to do.

How amazing is our God?

How great is His love?

Do you know God and His Word?

If not, may I invite you to open your Bible’s and get to know His grace, His compassion, and His love.

“Father, thank You for Jesus, Your Son and my Savior, may I do all according to Your will and purpose in my life, I love You and will follow You all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Your Light & Your Love~





1 John 1:5 - God is Light; in him there is no darkness at all ...


It is clearly apparent that the LORD loves His children, as evidenced by so many miracles and circumstances that have happened since the beginning of time, and assuredly continue to this very day.  If we take the time to “search” out the matter, God will give us the wisdom to ascertain it readily, and recognize whatever it is, whenever, and wherever it is.

Of course, on the other hand, there were many things that angered the LORD and so many of His children were ‘cursed’ or punished along the way. The Bible gives prime examples of “curses and blessings” especially in the OT. Exodus is one of several places where you can read about that.

Listening, obeying and being compliant with our “LifeSource” which is to say, our One and only God, we are able to receive His promises, and blessings, and share them with others as well.

Searching out issues or scenarios comes from spiritual discernment that is a gift from God.  It allows us to focus and be a crucial part of the body of Christ. We are able to resume and counterbalance the “darkness” with the Light from God.

We are able to distinguish the fires of “hate” with the “consuming fire of Love” that stems from above and proliferates the world…if… and when we take the time to comprehend and react according to His will, and purpose for our lives.

Follow His light, and receive His love. There isn’t anything else like it in the entire world. Nothing can describe it, nothing is above it, and nothing will surpass it.

Father, may I continue to follow Your light, guide me and show me the way, help and grant me Your wisdom and spiritual discernment, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Guide My Lips To Honor Thee~


Ecclesiastes 7:9 KJV | Faith verses, Scripture quotes, Inspirational quotes



Our trials and great difficulties in life are part of “living” and therefore we are all prone to exposure of such circumstances.  In fact, there is no one that gets through this life unscathed in one way or another. It’s just that, “life.”

How we handle these trials, and react when an unbearable situation comes calling, is quite another issue.  God tells us it is better to be patient in spirit, than proud or hasty.  We are not to be quick to anger, nor jump to conclusions that could illicit angry words, nasty thoughts, or less than desirable behavior towards someone in our path of anguish.

The scriptures tell us, that anger dwells in the bosom of fools, conversely, it passes quickly through the wise, as they seek to find answers through the word and God’s strength that will dissipate and soothe our rocky days. In other words, the wise take the path less driven, the high road and acquiesce to the Lord and His will. There are reasons for things that happen, we may never know in this lifetime why things transpired, but it is all for a reason, most times beyond our comprehension.

A series of events unravel when hateful or harmful words are bandied about, or accusations flung, these words are permanent and can’t be taken back. Once they’re out of our mouths, they’re part of “history.”  No going back to erase that which was said. The damage is done, and with it comes consequences not only to the individuals involved, but most especially to “God” as He witnesses it from His Holy Sanctuary.

Words lashed with anger, torn and rent, makes for chaos and confusion, which is the antithesis of Christ…that is to say, “peace and harmony.” The balance of our very being, is thrown off course, and our spirit is grieved when we are not aligned with the Word, or with the LORD.

When we choose hateful words and anger, our wisdom is parted, and we are left bereft in a wake of ignorance and resentment as it were, “anger resteth in the bosom of the fool” and when this happens, our light of truth, and understanding is banished.  What’s left?  A troubled mind, a hurt heart, and a restless soul.

Harmony and accord, one in being with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are inherently the goals of being a faithful follower.  The word is a proliferation of life itself, as “In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God…”  John 1:1 

Life is Christ!

Forgiveness of words poorly used and behavior unjustly provoked are another story in itself.  But forgiveness, Jesus will tell you, is a big part of who we are as Christians.  No matter what we’ve done, or said, or acted upon, forgiveness will be forthcoming from above.

So, before we get into an area of “paralyzing regrets” think long and hard before the “words” take off from inside the hangar.  Yes, hangar.  The words take off like an airplane, and suddenly they’re soaring and out in the atmosphere.

Turn to God for help in utilizing the “Spirit” from within fully for guidance, direction, patience, tolerance, and harmony. It will be an exercise that will be challenging at time, however with practice and dedication, it can be done quite successfully. However, that can happen only through and with God and God alone.

Honor God by guarding your lips/words and using them to Praise the LORD, Amen!

“Father my LORD, help me to keep my mouth under lock and key and to open it when the time is right, and to lift up and encourage others where I may, help me to find the correct course of action, and the path to walk according to Your will and purpose, all the days in my life, here, now and always in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”






DEAR GOD: Listen Closely & Reflect~



Hear The Word of God Photograph by J L | Fine Art America



Ezekiel 3:10
Moreover, He said to me, “Son of man, take into your heart all My words which I will speak to you and listen closely.



God wants what is best for His children at all times, and He provides an inner sense or “awareness” for each of us to utilize fully, every single day.

That inner sense of awareness, or discernment burst forth from the Comforter and Holy Spirit, who provides paths of righteousness for us.  You know in  Psalm 23, “He restores my soul and leads me on paths of righteousness for His namesake…”  That is a promise and the spoken Word from our LORD.

When we take time to visit with Him and pray and meditate on His Word, and follow in obedience to His Will and purpose, invariably we inherently reap rewards from above. Most important, we are making our Father happy.  He is pleased and continues to guide, and bring us to meadows to lie down in.

The still waters are present for us to drink, and the bounty of living, and dwelling in His Presence all the days of our lives, is a reality that will bear fruition.

“Listening, Reflecting, obeying and loving Him” should be the priority of all our days here on earth. When we endeavor to do all we are called into purpose, life will be easier to navigate. Yes, there will be rough roads, and hurdles, or swamps…but God’s light and guidance will prevail, and we invariably will get through it as long as we believe and comply.

“LORD, thank You for the Comforter and for the wisdom that only You can provide, may I always listen, reflect, obey and adhere to Your will and purpose in my life, may I continue to place You above all else, and may my love be pleasing in Your eyes, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



Proverbs 4:10
Hear, my son, and accept my sayings,
And the years of your life will be many.


DEAR GOD: I Choose Your Grace Above the World~



If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua 24:15 NASB



Astounding choices are readily available to most individuals. And within those choices are repercussions that can be devastating if the person makes the “wrong choice.”

Having the LORD’s grace over our lives is an insurmountable luxury and gift that goes beyond the human mind of understanding. It is an irrefutable paradox that is seated outside the realms of our vision.

Our discerning Spirit usually will guide us, yet circumstances might prevail where we might slip into an orb of indifference pertaining to our surroundings.

This is the “world” and the influence of sweeping temptations that abound, but those of the spirit will find most of the worldly goods an abomination, as does the LORD.

I’m speaking mainly and specifically about the evil that is swirling about. It’s in the air, on the news, in the media, on social media, in conversations, and in actions. It’s palpable at times and unbearable at others.

Evil seeks to thwart goodness and override the light with suffocating darkness and oblivion that can taunt those who aren’t careful. It can rip families and friends into pieces, and manifest into physical torment, or emotional pain. It can be a place of happenstance that is just there to “test your strength” and “faith.”

Can you withstand the “horrendous” flurry of evil?

It can be glaringly obvious. 

Or it can be subtle and seemingly harmless.

Remember the enemy “roars about seeking to destroy” and most times is in disguise. Not all evil is obvious, some might appear innocent. That’s why it’s so important, especially in these end times, to have the “Word” downloaded in our minds, heart and soul. It’s crucial to be able to reach into the bible and speak scripture from our hearts or others along the way.

While there isn’t “all evil” behind every corner or every bush, it’s our inherent duty as Christians to be aware, wise, and willing to walk the path of righteousness, and obedience to His will at all times.

How beautiful that we have a Savior and are able to dwell safely in His sanctuary.  How joyous to know He loves us and is with us always.

And how spectacular to know that His grace and love are above it all, and He is in control at all times.

“Father my LORD, thank You for assigning me as a servant of Your army, and for giving me the gift of Your love, and for granting me the wisdom to discern foreboding situations through Your Word, and for Your guidance and grace, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Your Peace Melts Confliction~

1000+ images about My Loving King on Pinterest | Greg Olsen, Jesus ...




When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. Isaiah 43.2


Anxious about what’s going to happen next? Or frustrated things aren’t where you had imagined they’d be at this point in time?

Well, that’s okay, because these are all legitimate and perfectly normal thoughts of contemplation, while here on earth.

All within the realm of being human, and yes…even being Christian and trusting God for ALL things…we can’t help but be human with human emotions.

Confliction can essentially be damaging to one’s faith. We know what we believe, and that God is in control.  However, when faced with dire circumstances or life decisions…we can “slip over into an area” that can be contrary to being a Christian.

A friend was mentioning today that she was so frustrated with her medical issues, and angry that doctors don’t seem to be helping her get better or get relief. Then on a dime she sobbed, “What’s wrong with me? I’m a Christian and I’m anxious and scared, we’re not supposed to be. That’s coming from another place, right?”

Being human can be difficult when we “feel anxious” or wander into “catastrophic” thinking.  It can become a harness of doom that breeds adversarial grounds of internal conflicts.  Or as we know it better, “a battlefield in our minds” as our spirit versus flesh.

When faced with feelings that are arbitrary to the Bible and God’s ways, that’s when we need to say “LORD, You know I’m human, and know me better than I know myself, help me to realize You’re in control, I’ll be okay, and You understand me fully, and love me.”

Don’t allow guilt to consume you.  Or lather yourself with continuous thoughts of gloom or doom.  Remember, when we are weak, that’s when God is the strongest, and when we are down, that’s when God will lift us higher.

So don’t beat up on yourself, embrace the LORD, and face the light as you turn to the promises and Word of God.  Once we filter in His ways, and His Word, we begin to get focused, and clarity and strength are renewed.

“Father, help me to bypass the frailties of the flesh and gain access into the spiritual aspects of importance, in Jesus Christ name, I receive Your love, and Your Word, and Your Presence, Amen.”




Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

DEAR GOD: Sabbath & Every Day Loving You~



I find my delight in your commandments,
    because I love them.
 I revere your commandments, which I love,
    and I will meditate on your statute.

Psalm 119:47-48 (NVRS)

When we take “our eyes off of ourselves” and look to the “cross,” and then imagine the entire scene of Christ going willingly to “spare” us from eternal fires, and to save us from our sins, to bring us eternal salvation…and His love for us which is beyond the scope of all human comprehension, we can’t help but be moved to tears, and quiver in humble adulation and thanks.

Ephesians chapter 3 –I pray that you may have the power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

When we grasp the totality of who Christ is, we are invariably pulled into a vortex of unsurpassed love, and knowledge as we become grafted in the meaning of why He came to earth, why He suffered, why He died…and thankfully, why He was resurrected.

Loving Him, beyond the Sabbath, and keeping that Sabbath in our hearts daily, is inherently the most precious gift we can give Him.

Our love, our obedience, and our dedication barely touch the base of what He did for us and continues to do for us to this very moment in time.

Honoring Him with the capacity of who we are, and what we are, is essentially the basis of our Faith. Loving Him fully, and with a veracity that goes beyond anything else in our lives, is what pleases Him, and what makes us faithful followers.

Accepting Him, in our hearts as our Lord and Savior, and inviting Him in as he knocks on the door wishing to gain entry into our hearts, is single-handedly the greatest honor of a lifetime, and beyond.

Today, and every day, when we put the LORD first in all we do and treat every day as if it were the Sabbath, is a worthwhile goal/act that’s easily attainable, when you get to know Him, seek Him, and open up to His love. I promise you will never get enough of Him or His ways.



“My LORD, may I please You today and every day of my life, may I do all that You will for my life, and may I seek You in this journey on earth, today, tomorrow and forever, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Winter Spring Summer or Fall~


No matter the season God is my God for ALL SEASONS.

He is the ribbon to my bow.

He is the Gasoline in my Automobile.

He is the Furnace for my Heat.

He is the Road to Heaven.

And…He is the Main Artery to my Heart.

In other words, I love You LORD!

My husband and I are currently undergoing an “Artic” blast here in New England, with temperatures dipping to -25 later on today… it doesn’t really matter. Because His love sustains, maintains, illuminates, radiates and allows us to obtain all we will ever need, which is HIM!

Just a quick, but important message today, of how our LORD, and His ways are the very essence of all I do, and all I aspire to be.

Without His guidance, direction, and His Word, I would cease to be, and would wither like an old dried up rose.

As you travel about today, no matter where you are, no matter who you are, give thanks to the One that really matters in the grand scheme of things!

He is the reason for ALL SEASONS, Amen!

“Father, may I never lose sight of who you are, and Your love and mercy, may I do all things to please You, today and always, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”