DEAR GOD: Your Grace & Love is Forever~



2 Samuel 24:14




King David laments in 2 Samuel 24:14: “…Let us fall into the hands of the LORD, for His mercy is great; but do not let me fall into human hands.”

Jesus, lovingly expressed at His Sermon on the Mount, that when individuals choose to be merciful towards others, God will show them mercy: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Matthew 6)

Mercy and Love comprise some of the LORD’s characteristics, and His mercy and love are never ending. But what does He, the LORD ask of you?

To act fairly and justly, to love mercy and walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

God shows mercy and love to those who are obedient to His Word, His commandments, and His will.  He will always guide, direct and lead…when we inquire of Him, seek Him, and follow His plan for our life accordingly.

The LORD has answered so many prayers of mine throughout the years. Some were quick, some took a little while, and still some were unresolved.

The quick ones were welcomed as our flesh is impatient most times.

The ones that took a little longer, both patience and discipline needed to be applied.

And the ones that were “not resolved,” I’ve come to realize that the prayers unresolved were in fact, “resolved and answered.”

Sometimes His answer is “no” for our prayers, because it is not in our best interest, and it is not according to His will.  And in retrospect, as I look at the “unresolved ones,” He was always right!

His grace, mercy and love were always being actively applied throughout all my years so far on earth. Amen!

He is a Father who is consumed with love for His children, and hence always wants to bring us to a path of purpose and prosperity of both body and spirit.

His grace, mercy and love are seemingly amplified, when we take the time to absorb what He is saying, and what He is directing.  If we turn up the “volume” on our Spiritual countenance, we will ascertain quite readily what He is guiding us to do.

My recent prayers for a good report for a family member, with medical issues was answered. Praise the LORD! He heard my prayers. He answered with grace, mercy and love. God is amazing, at all times.  Even in bad times. Because His strength and mercy and love see us through the valleys and brings us out of it.

And church members, family and friends were in on the prayer for my family member too.

As one body of Christ join together and pray for each other, powerful things happen. Amen!

When He answers quickly it is essentially a feeling that one can’t possibly comprehend unless they experience themselves. And love for the LORD grows exponentially each day when we focus on His love and purpose for our lives.

So, thank You LORD for Your outstanding, love, mercy and grace. Once again, you never cease to astound me, fill me with wonder.

You are awesome LORD! 

I adore you!

“Father God, thank You for Your never ending love, grace, and mercy, it is my honor to serve You my LORD, You are the reason for my being, and the number One being in my life, may I do all according to Your will, and may I be guided by Your love, and show compassion, kindness, mercy and decency to others, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”