DEAR GOD: The Small Voice and Small Events in Life~



“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

Life is a mixed bag. It can be filled with big events, as well as the little events. The course of action, or non-action, is not applicable to our spiritual growth per se. But rather, the way we handle each event, that is important to our overall depth, and enhancement in our faith.

For me, it’s the infinitesimal things that create an inexplicable, and categorical growth inwardly, and invariably, outwardly as well. The “quiet voice” from within that is coming from God’s Word, and ultimately His direction, can be “very loud” in terms of guidance, choice and outcome.

For example, when I just have a “feeling” that something isn’t quite right. It isn’t necessarily apparent, but it is the “nagging” doubt that precipitates and echoes in my mind, heart, body and soul.  Lending me the fortitude to see that I shouldn’t continue.

It is that “small still moment” that can be overwhelmingly jarring as the realization clicks in, and an appropriate scripture fitting the circumstances comes to mind, that solidifies my reticence in proceeding full speed ahead.

That is the small events in which I refer to.  We all have them as Christians.  We are gifted with a discerning Spirit, and He guides us.  However, we have to be within the parameters of His Word, and align with it, accordingly. So that when we do, we will fall into perfect alignment His Will and direction that ultimately will be for our good.

Spending time with the LORD, is an investment for our souls that will reap exponential rewards both here and in our eternity.

Each time we seek Him, and listen, we are given the desires of our heart, even if we don’t see it right away. It’s His timing, and His unwavering love that matters.

Reaching out to Him, praising Him, glorifying Him, and praying to the Father is balm for our entire being, inside and out.

No matter the “event” big or small…listen to His every word.

Let it become a way of life that you subscribe to and embrace it more than anything else on earth.  It will provide all that you need and more, it’s His promise. And His promise is beyond all measures big or small!


Father my God, thank You for Your voice, that resonates within me, day and night, for Your direction, and for Your provisions, over my life since You placed me in my mother’s womb, thank You for Your love, and for Your grace, may I hear You more and more, all the days of my life, here and forever, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”





