DEAR GOD: Vision of Christ & His Will~



While praying, in the Garden of Gethsemane, (Luke 22:42) Jesus said; “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 

Christians who are strong in faith, while praying ask “Your will be done” in all of their prayerful and intimate moments of talking with the Father.

“For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.”  John 6:38 — Jesus always made it clear that it is the will of our Father that is an important component of being a follower, and obedience is very crucial in our lives. His will to lead, guide, and direct us all the days of our lives, is a key and integral aspect in thriving, and being purposeful, while here on earth, in the flesh.

Think about some past issues in your own lives for a moment. Can you recall a specific time where you waited for “God” to show you and help you determine a decision that was not clear?  And now think about the outcome.  Usually when it is from God, and it is His will, it will be abundantly clear, and all things will fall into place.  You will have peace when it is “God’s will.”

Now, ostensibly…think about the opposite.  Can you recall a specific time when you didn’t pray about a decision, and went forward without waiting for God?

What was the result of that decision?  More than likely, it probably was not a smooth transition, and things weren’t peaceful, and in fact, perhaps chaos ensued from it? Keeping in mind, of course that Christ is the Author of peace, and the enemy is the father of lies and chaos.

The difference in someone who waits for God’s will, versus “their own will” is transparent.  Being a child of God is a gift, and He offers only the best in the course of our lives.  We inherently become more spiritually minded during each endeavor of discipline in terms of “listening to Him,” while applying “His will” into our lives, every given second we go through this journey of life.

In fact, CHRIST is LIFE.  And when you think of it that way, we are fully alive, only because of Him, and His love.

Becoming absorbed in His word, His ways, and His love can only lead to a prosperity that is unheard of and surpasses all things.  If we are aligned in Him, we grow exponentially in Spirit each step of our way. And when we pray, trust, listen and follow His will, we then can cohesively apply it to everyday events, scenarios and occurrences.

Today, as you go through Your day, if you’re feeling uneasy about a decision, if something has been gaining control of your emotions, or health…ask God for guidance, but most especially, remember “His will not yours” stamping and solidifying your implicit trust in Him fully and openly, while declaring your obedience.

If that was good enough for Jesus, well then…it’s good enough for us!


“Father God, may I do all things according to Your will, all things pertaining to my life, may it be a direct path to Your will and purpose in my life, and may I be faithful to Your will, and word, all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”