DEAR GOD: Patience, Patience, Patience~


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Romans 12:12

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.



If you are like most individuals’ patience can be quite challenging in the face of everyday life. Waiting on lines, waiting in traffic, waiting on a report from a doctor, waiting for a job interview, waiting for the results of a job interview, waiting for answers, waiting for a phone call, waiting for your first grandchild to be born, and waiting for answers to prayers.

Exhausting, frustrating, and at times discouraging.

But as Christians, and children of faith, we recognize that patience is a virtue and a characteristic of the Holy Spirit.  One of the many fruits we bear in accordance with His Word, and obedience to His will and doctrine.

It’s a gift to behold and inherently an application we apply to circumstances during our years here on earth. It is a discipline that sadly, many lack, and it is one that is highly noticeable in those who are in possession of such a virtue.

You’ve heard others speak about patience, “My husband has no patience…” or “If only she had some patience, things would be so different.”  

Ostensibly, you’ve heard others exclaiming with awe, concerning individuals who have vast amounts of control and patience, “Wow, I wish I had your patience, your calm demeanor…”  

Patience is something that pertains to all of us, and we either exhibit it, seemingly with ease, or we simmer with anticipation that overextends and tries our patience, thereby losing it all together.

Being human, we are subject to numerous ups and downs. Life is like a roller coaster ride, sometimes we’re at the top, sometimes we dip into valleys, and then, eventually with God’s love and grace, we make our way back up to the top again.  But only through His love and grace.

Fleeting moments are just that, moments.  Life here, and now, is vapidly unwinding each day we rise. And inasmuch we need to be resourceful and appreciate each second, we have.  While we nurture our Spirit in so doing.

Although we each have important things to accomplish, to sustain, and to engage in, our life here and now is “nothing compared to the Eternity” we are promised by our Father.

Jesus went to His Father’s Mansion, and has prepared a table for us, and when we believe, do the best we can to produce fruit, and encourage others, and do good works, and follow His ways, and truth and light… we will join Him for supper in Paradise. And most important, we will be in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Now that is something worth waiting for!

“Father, may I do all according to Your Word, promises and Will, now and always in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Beyond my Scope of Vision is Your Purpose~

Isaiah 55:9 | Psalms, Bible, Psalm 40


“Only God can see beyond the scope of our actual vision and beyond our field and ability to comprehend His purpose.”

In other words, our amazing Father sees all, knows all, and is in control at all times.  In particular, He lays down His purpose for our lives, and guides us through all aspects of life, both visible and unseen.

So, for example, when something doesn’t quite make sense, and there is a lack of transparency in what course of action we should take, we need to be open to His Sovereign Omnipotence, and trust Him.

We sometimes just need to realize that His vision goes way beyond our mortal vision, and His thoughts are much higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9) and just be still and know that “God is God.” (Psalm 46:10)

Contemplating, or configuring is best left to the Master of all things big and small.  He is readily available 24/7 and never turns away from us, His children. His Word is infallible, His promises worthy, and His love unapparelled.

And His grace a treasure and gift beyond words and measure.

Next time you are in a quandary, or feeling uncertainty about health, finances, family issues, or crisis; look to God, and His impeccable untrammeled vision, along with His love, for all of the answers in which you seek.

“Father, thank You for providing powerful insight and answers that only You can produce, thank You for Your love and patience, and all the You do and say, I am Yours, now and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Your Grace & Love is Forever~



2 Samuel 24:14




King David laments in 2 Samuel 24:14: “…Let us fall into the hands of the LORD, for His mercy is great; but do not let me fall into human hands.”

Jesus, lovingly expressed at His Sermon on the Mount, that when individuals choose to be merciful towards others, God will show them mercy: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Matthew 6)

Mercy and Love comprise some of the LORD’s characteristics, and His mercy and love are never ending. But what does He, the LORD ask of you?

To act fairly and justly, to love mercy and walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

God shows mercy and love to those who are obedient to His Word, His commandments, and His will.  He will always guide, direct and lead…when we inquire of Him, seek Him, and follow His plan for our life accordingly.

The LORD has answered so many prayers of mine throughout the years. Some were quick, some took a little while, and still some were unresolved.

The quick ones were welcomed as our flesh is impatient most times.

The ones that took a little longer, both patience and discipline needed to be applied.

And the ones that were “not resolved,” I’ve come to realize that the prayers unresolved were in fact, “resolved and answered.”

Sometimes His answer is “no” for our prayers, because it is not in our best interest, and it is not according to His will.  And in retrospect, as I look at the “unresolved ones,” He was always right!

His grace, mercy and love were always being actively applied throughout all my years so far on earth. Amen!

He is a Father who is consumed with love for His children, and hence always wants to bring us to a path of purpose and prosperity of both body and spirit.

His grace, mercy and love are seemingly amplified, when we take the time to absorb what He is saying, and what He is directing.  If we turn up the “volume” on our Spiritual countenance, we will ascertain quite readily what He is guiding us to do.

My recent prayers for a good report for a family member, with medical issues was answered. Praise the LORD! He heard my prayers. He answered with grace, mercy and love. God is amazing, at all times.  Even in bad times. Because His strength and mercy and love see us through the valleys and brings us out of it.

And church members, family and friends were in on the prayer for my family member too.

As one body of Christ join together and pray for each other, powerful things happen. Amen!

When He answers quickly it is essentially a feeling that one can’t possibly comprehend unless they experience themselves. And love for the LORD grows exponentially each day when we focus on His love and purpose for our lives.

So, thank You LORD for Your outstanding, love, mercy and grace. Once again, you never cease to astound me, fill me with wonder.

You are awesome LORD! 

I adore you!

“Father God, thank You for Your never ending love, grace, and mercy, it is my honor to serve You my LORD, You are the reason for my being, and the number One being in my life, may I do all according to Your will, and may I be guided by Your love, and show compassion, kindness, mercy and decency to others, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”






DEAR GOD: The Small Voice and Small Events in Life~



“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

Life is a mixed bag. It can be filled with big events, as well as the little events. The course of action, or non-action, is not applicable to our spiritual growth per se. But rather, the way we handle each event, that is important to our overall depth, and enhancement in our faith.

For me, it’s the infinitesimal things that create an inexplicable, and categorical growth inwardly, and invariably, outwardly as well. The “quiet voice” from within that is coming from God’s Word, and ultimately His direction, can be “very loud” in terms of guidance, choice and outcome.

For example, when I just have a “feeling” that something isn’t quite right. It isn’t necessarily apparent, but it is the “nagging” doubt that precipitates and echoes in my mind, heart, body and soul.  Lending me the fortitude to see that I shouldn’t continue.

It is that “small still moment” that can be overwhelmingly jarring as the realization clicks in, and an appropriate scripture fitting the circumstances comes to mind, that solidifies my reticence in proceeding full speed ahead.

That is the small events in which I refer to.  We all have them as Christians.  We are gifted with a discerning Spirit, and He guides us.  However, we have to be within the parameters of His Word, and align with it, accordingly. So that when we do, we will fall into perfect alignment His Will and direction that ultimately will be for our good.

Spending time with the LORD, is an investment for our souls that will reap exponential rewards both here and in our eternity.

Each time we seek Him, and listen, we are given the desires of our heart, even if we don’t see it right away. It’s His timing, and His unwavering love that matters.

Reaching out to Him, praising Him, glorifying Him, and praying to the Father is balm for our entire being, inside and out.

No matter the “event” big or small…listen to His every word.

Let it become a way of life that you subscribe to and embrace it more than anything else on earth.  It will provide all that you need and more, it’s His promise. And His promise is beyond all measures big or small!


Father my God, thank You for Your voice, that resonates within me, day and night, for Your direction, and for Your provisions, over my life since You placed me in my mother’s womb, thank You for Your love, and for Your grace, may I hear You more and more, all the days of my life, here and forever, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”








DEAR GOD: Waves of Comfort from Your Word~


God’s Word is amazingly comforting and has a strong effect on those who “hear it” and understand how to apply it in their everyday lives.

His “voice” within brings us comfort and guidance into each scenario or aspect of what we face on a daily basis.  It can enhance our “peaceful” self, or it can “calm” down our stressed self.  It can bring joy to those who aren’t familiar with His promises or love.  It can bring salvation to those haven’t accepted the Savior into their lives.  It can bring peace to those who are grieving.

The Word of God becomes a living component of who we are as Christians, and people overall.  As we download His Word daily into our heart, mind and soul, we are utilizing the most powerful tool known to man!

The Gospel and His Word are all encompassing to the person who accepts it readily and uses it as part of any given day, at any given hour.

Wherever you are at this point in your life, tune into the One that can provide and comfort and guide and direct, and supply and meet all of your needs.

That One and Only is our Almighty Father.

And He will never forsake, nor leave us…just that alone is mighty comforting wouldn’t you agree?


“Father, thank You for Your Word, Your promises, Your blood, Your love, and Your unwavering grace and mercy, may I give You all the glory and Praise today and forever in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Vision of Christ & His Will~



While praying, in the Garden of Gethsemane, (Luke 22:42) Jesus said; “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” 

Christians who are strong in faith, while praying ask “Your will be done” in all of their prayerful and intimate moments of talking with the Father.

“For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.”  John 6:38 — Jesus always made it clear that it is the will of our Father that is an important component of being a follower, and obedience is very crucial in our lives. His will to lead, guide, and direct us all the days of our lives, is a key and integral aspect in thriving, and being purposeful, while here on earth, in the flesh.

Think about some past issues in your own lives for a moment. Can you recall a specific time where you waited for “God” to show you and help you determine a decision that was not clear?  And now think about the outcome.  Usually when it is from God, and it is His will, it will be abundantly clear, and all things will fall into place.  You will have peace when it is “God’s will.”

Now, ostensibly…think about the opposite.  Can you recall a specific time when you didn’t pray about a decision, and went forward without waiting for God?

What was the result of that decision?  More than likely, it probably was not a smooth transition, and things weren’t peaceful, and in fact, perhaps chaos ensued from it? Keeping in mind, of course that Christ is the Author of peace, and the enemy is the father of lies and chaos.

The difference in someone who waits for God’s will, versus “their own will” is transparent.  Being a child of God is a gift, and He offers only the best in the course of our lives.  We inherently become more spiritually minded during each endeavor of discipline in terms of “listening to Him,” while applying “His will” into our lives, every given second we go through this journey of life.

In fact, CHRIST is LIFE.  And when you think of it that way, we are fully alive, only because of Him, and His love.

Becoming absorbed in His word, His ways, and His love can only lead to a prosperity that is unheard of and surpasses all things.  If we are aligned in Him, we grow exponentially in Spirit each step of our way. And when we pray, trust, listen and follow His will, we then can cohesively apply it to everyday events, scenarios and occurrences.

Today, as you go through Your day, if you’re feeling uneasy about a decision, if something has been gaining control of your emotions, or health…ask God for guidance, but most especially, remember “His will not yours” stamping and solidifying your implicit trust in Him fully and openly, while declaring your obedience.

If that was good enough for Jesus, well then…it’s good enough for us!


“Father God, may I do all things according to Your will, all things pertaining to my life, may it be a direct path to Your will and purpose in my life, and may I be faithful to Your will, and word, all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.” 

DEAR GOD: Each Day Rejoicing in You~


Psalms 5:11 – But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.

Psalms 118:24 – This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Philippians 4:4-7 – Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again, I say, Rejoice.


So, another day, and another way to rejoice, praise, thank, and love the LORD!

Life can feel surreal at times during the course of our day.  We, all more or less, have a “routine” we follow, and/or adhere to…and go about it either in ease, or under duress.

But, nonetheless, we go through it, and while we are doing just that, we should be keenly aware of His Presence, and His love…then Praise Him accordingly.

Although we are all part of His creation, we differ vastly in our backgrounds, and the way we ensue issues, or circumstances. But we should all be in agreement, that we are all part of the body of Christ, and in obedience to His Word and in our exaltation of Him.

Some of us, might be impervious to change, and enjoy being the hamster on the wheel in any given scenario.  And still, some are gracious to change, and sharing new things each day.

Personally, I am somewhere in between.  I could be considered the “hamster on a wheel” in routine-based chores, actions, and specific schedule in terms of eating and sleeping.  However, I do enjoy change in small, yet significant ways, that can impact others, specifically in Christian content.

I enjoy trying to “reach someone” while planting seeds of Christ, to those who may not know Him, or to those who are “luke-warm” in their love of Him.

Another day, another way to proclaim His glory!

Another day another way to Praise Him!

Another day is another way to download His Word in Your heart!

Another day, to Rejoice in who He is!


Have you celebrated this day that the LORD has made?


“Dear God, I rejoice in this day You have made, I give You all glory and honor, I am in awe of Your magnificence, I adore You, and wish to please You and You alone, may I always be in accordance to Your will and Your plans for my life, in this day, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: His Gift & Grace~


Ephesians 2:8


This powerful scripture summarizes the main focus of this book. That is that we are all sinners who need a “Savior,” and in fact, can only be saved through the grace of God.  Putting faith in Jesus, who went willingly to the cross to pay for our sins; we are then able to be brought into a full relationship with our Almighty and loving Father, God.

This first chapter of Ephesians goes on to illustrate that we as believers, are blessed by God. It explains God’s overall plan to redeem His children by the ultimate sacrifice, His Son Jesus Christ.  Thereby we will be forgiven our sins, which are plenty!

We all fall short, as we are all sinners.  If we were perfect, we wouldn’t be needing a “Savior” or need the grace of God to cleanse us by Christ’s blood.

As we go through our journey on earth. As we endeavor to fulfill our purpose and will for our lives, according to the LORD, we mustn’t forget the Grace under which we live.  Nor forget the “gift” from our Father above, washing us clean and therefore “gifting” our salvation and promise of eternity, through Christ alone.

All gifts come from the “Father of lights.”

All of the love lavished upon us, comes from above, and it is truly a gift.

Taking the time to read scriptures, meditate on His Word, and give thanks to all we do, seems small recompense as to what our LORD has done for us.

Worshipping and exalting Him, daily throughout the day, is a pleasure and an honor, acknowledging Him in all we do, and acquiescing to His will, is a joy and fulfillment which surpasses all else.

Have you given thanks today to the One and Only Always and forever?

If not, what are you waiting for?


“Father, I give You and You alone, all glory and honor, I wish to please You today and always, and I want to do all according to Your will and purpose for my life, may I be pleasing to You, may I never cease to give You thanks, and may I walk in witness to Your glory, forever, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”






DEAR GOD: Stagnant Points in Our Seasons of Life~




See the source image




All of us go through seasons and times of growth, times of conflict, times of sorrow, and times of joy.  And many of us go through a “season of stagnation,” which is to say, a time when one wonders, “what’s next?”

There are milestones for each of us, if we’re fortunate enough to experience, or undergo as life progresses.  For examples; “our initial first year of life, our 13th  and 16th birthday, and the big one, 21st!  And the rest of the milestones, which can include, college graduation, marriage, children, etc., etc.

But what happens when we aren’t certain of our “next season” or milestone? What happens to us when we are “baffled and thwarted” by what come next? Or if we are invariably “stagnating in a pool of now what?“‘

Well, there are many ways to handle “doubts and questions in our mind.” One of which might be to sit around and wonder, “can I possibly do anything further at this stage in my life?”

Or we can open up to God, even more than we previously had, and ask His help, guidance, and reassurance, for “what do I do next Father?”

When we attempt to handle uncertainty on our own, it can only exacerbate an already confusing moment as we face the crossroads in our lives, which may invariably lead to an inherent lapse of growth spiritually, emotionally and physically, thereby allowing us to sink in our “stagnant pool” of “what now?”

Becoming ensnared in a non-growth path doesn’t just pertain to any particular age group or gender.  Although it is a frequent pattern with retirees, and empty nesters, I assure you that it happens across the boards no matter your age.

Being patient, and waiting on God, is essential to being Christian, and inherently a crucial component of our “growth in spiritual practice” and life overall.

As long as we have breath, we are vitally important and a part of the body of Christ, we still have jobs to do, until we draw our last breath, and He calls us home.

Until then, “ask, wait, and obey” and He will guide, lead, direct and provide…and continue to show us what, where and how to respond at each stage, or journey in our lives. And that my sisters and brothers is what it is all about.

Wherever you go today, or whatever it is you do, and whomever you encounter, be an encouraging witness for the LORD. And whatever it is you accomplish, no matter how big or small, give Him the credit for allowing you to achieve those goals, both big and small. In everything you do give glory to GOD.

And finally, where you are right now, is where you are supposed to be, until He says otherwise!

“Father God, may I continue to follow Your Word, and listen and adhere to Your will for my life, now and always, I understand that I am viable no matter my physical condition, or age, and I am an important vessel in producing fruit, according to Your will, and purpose in my life, today, tomorrow and always, until You call me home, I am Yours almighty Father, now and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”






DEAR GOD: Your Word Above All~


Isaiah 55:11 (KJV)

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the W0rd was God (John 1-1)


The Word is a powerful tool to have and a protective shield in Spiritual warfare.  Downloading the Word in one’s heart and being able to shine the light from within is a gift from above.

Knowing scripture and applying it into all we do on a daily basis, is a formula for success and a peace filled existence, which in turn will be a witness to those who might not know the LORD.  Spreading the Word and igniting hearts for the love of Jesus, are the main components of being Christian.

The indelible Word of the LORD is synonymous with authority, in which Jesus demonstrated in His mission on earth, and since the beginning of time when the LORD created the world.

When the Word makes a home in our hearts, we bring His light to others. Taking the Word and using it whether by our actions, or through examples or meditating, we are incorporating a strong foundation, built on the Rock. When we do, there isn’t anything we can’t do through Christ our Savior!



“Lord God, thank You for the written Word, which is infallible, and undeniably created by You and You alone, since the beginning of the world, You spoke, and Your Words created the Universe, may I continue to bring Your Word to fruition by example, and dedication to You and You alone, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”