DEAR GOD: A Savior & King of kings~


A Savior Is Born 

Luke 2:1-20

When the angel announced to the shepherds the birth of Jesus he said: “Be not afraid; for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”





Christ, our Savior’s Light has come into the world.

Praise You LORD!

So, our Almighty Omnipotent Father, provided and appointed, as promised, from the beginning of the world, a “Savior will be born.”  The Great One, able to work out salvation, for sinners, which He has done; and was willing to save us all!


The everlasting One, Jesus Christ, who saved us from sin, from the clutches of Satan, from hell, and from every enemy known to man, and the wrath to come. Amen!

The Holy One.

The Lamb of God.

The unblemished One, who willingly came into the world—for us!

Sing and shout praises to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!

Hail the King of kings!

Exalt the Great one!

And be exceedingly glad, for it is only through Christ, and His sacrifice, and our belief in Him, that brings us to the Father!


“Thank You LORD, for Your glorious lamb, our Savior the King, and for Your promises, Your word, and the blood of Christ, who covers us with His mercy and peace, and love, Praise You Lord, now and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen”

DEAR GOD: All Things According to Your Will~

If we let the truth of our Father’s goodness soak in, and we love Him with all of our heart, mind and strength, we are quite essentially unstoppable, and formidable in the face of evil and hurdles of despair. In fact, evil will run from us, and the problems and adversity we invariably will go through, will be easier with Christ.

Let His promises become imprinted on your life and embrace His love, which will be truly indelible within our hearts, but only if we have unwavering faith.

Nothing is ever in vain when you trust our Almighty Father. Every second in life will bring us closer into His perfect will. Be an example of unshakable faith by being a testimony for Him and His grace and understanding.

When we do all according to His Word and purpose, and we accept His plan and blueprints for our very lives, we will honestly experience “Life” in the way it was meant to be lived!

“Father God, may I always embrace Your Word, Your Promises and Your love, may I always walk the path in which You guide me, and may I always be obedient in listening to Your voice, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Heeding and Adhering to Your Will~




1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Tells Christians to give thanks in all circumstances because this is the will of God. God’s plan for our live includes us exercising gratitude, no matter what situation we have found ourselves in.


God’s will and plan are essentially synonymous. He has a will and plan for our lives. When Christians say something similar to, “I’ll be at the event tomorrow, the Lord willing,” they mean, I will be there if it’s part of God’s plan.

Think about Blessed Mother Mary, when she answered the Angel that visited her, to tell her she was “picked” to be the mother of Jesus.  Imagine if she said, “No way! That’s not part of my plans!”  Instead, she said, “Do to me as you have said.”  (Luke 1:26-38) 

This became the theme for her life going forward. She acquiesced to the LORD, and did all according to His plan, and purpose for her life.

And so should we!

When we give in to His plans, and walk according to His will, things will have specific value in all we do.

Things have a way of becoming intrinsically significant Spiritually and provides a meaningful path that is crucial to being a follower and Christian overall.

We are so grateful Mary went forward with God’s plan, Hallelujah!

And we are most important rejoicing in the fact that Jesus came forward!

For us!

To save us!

Now talk about the greatest plan of all time!  Amen!


“Father God, may I do all according to Your will, and walk the path of purpose for my life, and may I be dedicated in my Christian faith, and bring forth the good message, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen!”






DEAR GOD: Strength in All Things~


For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. –

(Philippians 4:13, NLT)

Christ is the one who gives me the strength I need to do whatever I must do. –

(Philippians 4:13, ERV)

I can endure all things through the power of the One who gives me strength. –

(Philippians 4:13, CEB)


I’m sure many will relate to an interesting and factual aspect of being Christian. It’s the ability to look back after getting through some kind of adversity or tough situation in life and clearly knowing who it was that carried us through it all.

Carrying us through the fires and valleys that we could not bear on our own.

As it so happens, when we are undergoing the throes of hardship in that moment, we can’t see what lies ahead.  Yet more often than not, before we realize it, we are “looking back on the other side of the struggle.”  It is at that precise second in time, we know where our strength came from, and who was with us the entire time.

Each time we go through a crisis we think it might break us. But with Christ, as our refuge, our Savior, our King, we manage to sustain the hardships, and garner strength and resolve, and become stronger despite the heartache, pain, and/or troubles we’ve endured.

It is His strength that gives us one breath to the next.

Every single second, minute, hour from day to day, He breathes life and strength into us.

As we trust Him, look to Him for help and guidance, we will undoubtedly discover that we’re able to overcome whatever it is that lies before us.

Turning to the LORD in unwavering faith, irrespective of our circumstances, letting go of doubt, and in its place confidence in Him, we can do whatever we are called to do.


Father God, thank You for never leaving me, and guiding me through the good times and the bad times, for showing me the path in which I need to walk, and loving me unconditionally, I trust You implicitly, I love You, may I do all according to Your will and purpose all the days of my life, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Growth in Your Love & Wisdom~



And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.   

Psalm 1:3 (KJV)

Being in sync with God and His Word, is crucial to our well-being, and success in life overall. The Bible is a practical and handy guide, to all that we encounter all the days here on earth.

When we pray, meditate, read and “hear” His voice/His Word, we will invariably acquire all coping mechanisms necessary to all of the circumstances and Giants we face every single day.

We will grow, prosper, and give glory to God, as our roots become deeply entrenched in Him, and in turn we will bear fruit.

Allow God to increase by decreasing your “own” ways and thoughts. Surrender to His ways, His will and His love. When you do, get ready to experience growth of spirit exponentially. Amen!

Have you chatted to God today? Did you start off this morning by seeking His face?  Have you read His Word and acquiesced to His Will?


“Dear Father God, may I always seek Your face, Your word, and Your love, in all that I endeavor to do, all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”