DEAR GOD: Acts of Kindness Originate by You~



Common snapping turtle walking on dirt road Stock Picture





Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do.

Philippians 3:17


Just as things get crazier by the minute in the World, something happens to reaffirm that God is still with us, no matter how harsh the reality is all around us.

My husband and I were on a busy throughway when we spotted a Snapping Turtle in the middle of road, with cars approaching from both sides.  My husband asked me to pull over so he could help it to safety.

He jumped out of our car and proceeded to hold up traffic. I was concerned, because cars were doing 50mph on both sides.  Within seconds, two pick-up trucks pulled alongside my car, on the right and the left of me.

They ran to over my husband and said, “We have a Snapper huh?” One of the men, a USA Marine held his hands up, and helped with directing the traffic, which now came to a full halt.  And the other man, a firefighter, ran to his truck and pulled out a huge shovel.

The firefighter picked up the huge turtle with the shovel, and asked, “Which side was he coming from?”  My husband told him, and he proceeded to bring it to the other side, and placed it down, ever so gently, by the hill by the lake, where he clearly came from.

When those in the cars saw what had transpired, there was a thunderous round of applause, along with whistles, coming from the passengers, which were all waiting patiently for the turtle to be rescued.

The firefighter saluted the Marine, and then they saluted my husband, who returned the salute!  It was surreal.

My eyes filled with tears, to see such kindness, and a genuine team effort to save this huge guy/omnivore from what would most assuredly have been a devastating outcome.

I thanked God for witnessing such altruistic behavior, thereby reinforcing in my heart that “goodness still exists” no matter how much evil swirls around us.

Amazing day, amazing witness to God, His children and His creatures.

If we’re careful to fully observe, we will see reflections of God in all things, we just have to “look closer” and “listen more intently” and be willing to follow God’s lead!

God saved His turtle by using my husband, and the Marine, and Firefighter, and to that I say, Praise God!

“Father God, thank You for Your creatures, big and small, for the opportunity to have been there to witness such kindness, and for Your love of all things both big and small, but most especially Your love for Your children, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”