DEAR GOD: Gifts & Callings From Above~

Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 

1 Corinthians 12:4 (KJV)


People of faith know essentially that each child of God has acquired and received different “gifts” from above.  We each have significance in the overall production of presenting them through Christ, all the days of our lives here on earth.

We mustn’t feel inadequate when we lack that which another may have. For example, a beautiful “singing” voice comes to mind immediately.  I actually get chills from hearing operatic voices singing hymns.  Sadly, when opening my mouth in song, I’m met with “sympathetic eyes” or people fleeing to get out of range of my pathetic attempt at what might pass as singing!  Well, okay, a little exaggeration for comedic effect. However, you get the idea.

Each with different gifts, callings, and abilities to serve the LORD, and be an example while helping to continue His work. Each one significant and purposeful to being “one body in Christ.”

My calling was “helping the elderly population” my entire career, in Nursing Homes.  Also, being an avid “listener” to those in distress, or in need of a comfort.”  Sometimes it can be “draining” but overall, it is so rewarding knowing God put this in my heart and adorned me with these particular gifts.

Others are called to teach, preach, speak to audiences, encourage, be first responders, serve in the military, so on and so forth.  The point is we are “all His” and we are to represent that which He gives us based on the platform He gives us.  If we turn from those gifts, I don’t believe He will be pleased…but He will still love us, unconditionally.

So, for those without “singing voices” or artistic talents, we are still God’s children, and we have purpose as long as we are here on earth.

The thing is recognizing our gifts and utilizing them full force.

And when we do, we are exalting Him in the highest purest form, because it is He who is control of handing out “the gifts”—Amen!

“God my Father, thank You for the gifts that You have given me, and for the opportunity to fulfill them, may I do all according to Your will and purpose, today, tomorrow and all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Acts of Kindness Originate by You~



Common snapping turtle walking on dirt road Stock Picture





Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do.

Philippians 3:17


Just as things get crazier by the minute in the World, something happens to reaffirm that God is still with us, no matter how harsh the reality is all around us.

My husband and I were on a busy throughway when we spotted a Snapping Turtle in the middle of road, with cars approaching from both sides.  My husband asked me to pull over so he could help it to safety.

He jumped out of our car and proceeded to hold up traffic. I was concerned, because cars were doing 50mph on both sides.  Within seconds, two pick-up trucks pulled alongside my car, on the right and the left of me.

They ran to over my husband and said, “We have a Snapper huh?” One of the men, a USA Marine held his hands up, and helped with directing the traffic, which now came to a full halt.  And the other man, a firefighter, ran to his truck and pulled out a huge shovel.

The firefighter picked up the huge turtle with the shovel, and asked, “Which side was he coming from?”  My husband told him, and he proceeded to bring it to the other side, and placed it down, ever so gently, by the hill by the lake, where he clearly came from.

When those in the cars saw what had transpired, there was a thunderous round of applause, along with whistles, coming from the passengers, which were all waiting patiently for the turtle to be rescued.

The firefighter saluted the Marine, and then they saluted my husband, who returned the salute!  It was surreal.

My eyes filled with tears, to see such kindness, and a genuine team effort to save this huge guy/omnivore from what would most assuredly have been a devastating outcome.

I thanked God for witnessing such altruistic behavior, thereby reinforcing in my heart that “goodness still exists” no matter how much evil swirls around us.

Amazing day, amazing witness to God, His children and His creatures.

If we’re careful to fully observe, we will see reflections of God in all things, we just have to “look closer” and “listen more intently” and be willing to follow God’s lead!

God saved His turtle by using my husband, and the Marine, and Firefighter, and to that I say, Praise God!

“Father God, thank You for Your creatures, big and small, for the opportunity to have been there to witness such kindness, and for Your love of all things both big and small, but most especially Your love for Your children, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: My Steps Ordained by Your Will~



Proverbs 3:5-6

 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.”




In Psalm 37:23— the psalmist says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.

How does a person become “good?”  It isn’t because of what we own, cars house or otherwise. It isn’t about how much money is in the bank, or the degrees behind their name. We don’t become good “on our own.” We need God to do this. We are given the opportunity to observe, follow and accept Jesus Christ in our lives. We in turn as we seek Him, we transition to a “new” person overall. We are inherently wiser in our choices, and our actions.  The wisdom grows and it is from the LORD that we get that wisdom.

Isaiah 64:6 states, “Our own goodness or our own righteousness is nothing but a filthy rag before the LORD.” 

We need him and His righteousness to acquire goodness and only through Him can we accomplish such a goal.

In order to have our steps ordered by the LORD. There are many facets to achieving this blessed transformation.  We must endeavor to be open to Him and His word. And the following three key components are essential to having your steps ordered.  Be confident and trust in the LORD to direct guide and lead us, fully and unconditionally.

Psalm 119:133 says, “Order my steps in thy word, and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.”


Psalm 37:23 says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way.”

When we allow the Lord to order our steps, there will be peace.

When we allow the Lord to order our steps, there will be joy.

When we allow the Lord to order our steps, there will be power.

When we allow the Lord to order our steps, there will be victory.

Of course, it is understood to those of faith, that having our steps ordered by the LORD, doesn’t necessarily mean that everything will be a rose garden, or running smoothly at all times. While the LORD orders our steps, there will be adversities, there will be pain, sad times, heartbreaks, disappointments, and some failures. Just like an engine, we will have misfires and running on low during certain periods of our lives.

However, through the rain and sunshine, those of faith undeniably know that all things are going to work together for the good to them that love the LORD, and we are called according to His purpose.  Just know and believe that no matter whatever we may face in this life, if we allow the Lord to order our steps, we will have the victory through Christ!!!  Amen!

“LORD, thank You for being there in good and bad times, for being my Rock and Sanctuary, I fully entrust You to lead, guide, direct all of my paths, as promised in Your word, and I know through it all, you will ultimately bring me through whatever it is I am facing, and I will be victorious in Christ, and I thank You for this day, and all the days of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Just Exalting You Now & Always~






Thou art my God, and I will praise thee:

thou art my God, I will exalt thee.

Psalm 118:28 (KJV)


Lord God, with thanks and joy I exalt You, and proclaim my faith and love for You to all who hear.  You alone are the One true constant in my life that gives me reasons to sing joyfully, and strength to endure, no matter what.

I adore You and declare to the Heavens, that Jesus Christ is LORD and LORD above all! Amen!

Today is no different than any other day, the world is still turning. There are still those who are still suffering, while some who are merely existing.  There are some who are boundlessly searching for answers to life overall.  Then there are others who remain on the fence about issues, or circumstances that hover over their lives.

Uncertainty is a gruesome reality when face to face with it. We’d all like to have continuity or assurance that “things will be okay,” or “that life is not circumspect, but undeniably built on a foundation of truth, honor, and victory.”

With God, we have truth, honor and victory.  Plus, we have assurance from His promises, that rewards are forthcoming.  Some receive the rewards while in the flesh, others in eternity or both.

However, make no mistake—God and His promises never waver in indecision or ambiguity.  No—in fact, God’s Word, love and promises are indisputable, and fundamentally solid, and are welcome to all those who wish to partake of His commandments and follow Him willingly.

My world grew a little smaller since the pandemic waged war on humanity, but my Spirit has grown exponentially. And for that I am blessed and grateful. Introspective analysis on one’s growth or thoughts can be fulfilling offering views of life in a different avenue.

Life is in accordance with growth. The way we grow depends on how we are “fed,” Spiritually speaking of course. God will never betray us or leave us, as promised so many times in His Holy Word.

Love and loyalty to God aren’t born out of nowhere. He first loved us (1 John 4:16) and came to “save us.”

There was a seed planted that enhanced our relationship with the LORD.  Spiritual growth brings depth of soul and ultimately a full “birth.” Born anew, and consequently enhanced by His love and guidance, we bear fruit.  But we cannot do it without Him. In order to do that, we must decrease, and He must increase. (John 3:27-36)

Exalting Him, is one of the purest forms of adulation we can offer in thanks for His Son, our Savior, and for God’s unsurpassed love and mercy.

Have you exalted Him today?

Abba Father, thank You for being You, today, tomorrow and always, may I exalt You in all that I do and say, all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Peace Comes from You Alone~


Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


All I can say is when things get rough and circumstances seem beyond real, the One who never leaves you, and promises to give peace is there to see us through, no matter what, where when or why.

Christ’s ministry was miraculous from birth to His crucifixion and resurrection, and to this day remains in place.  His sacrifice to redeem, heal and bring salvation is ongoing, and up to us to bring the Good News forward, while giving glory to the LORD.

Being an example and sharing the light of God will allow others to bask in the “peace” in which He alone gives.

While things are getting “turbulent” in this world, it’s more important than ever to share the gospel with others. To assure those who don’t know the LORD, that they can be filled with joy, peace and wisdom, irrespective of the circumstances surrounding them, their family, or friends.

Christ is victorious OVER ALL!

Hold on to that, no matter how “dark” your days are, because the “Light” is with you always.

“Father God, may I be ever mindful of Your grace, Love, and Peace, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”