DEAR GOD: Send a Revival~

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Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,

Acts 3:19

What is repentance?

It means living for GOD, and walking away from worldly temptations, instead walking in Godly direction.

When we sin, we need to repent, because as flesh, we are all prone to the “sinful nature” and we will always fall short. A repentant heart allows us to recognize that sinful state.  That’s when we “run” don’t “walk” into God’s arms. and ask for forgiveness, and start anew. Only He can be the One to “blot out our transgressions,” no one else.  (Isaiah 43:25)

A repentant heart is one which is always seeking to follow the ways of God. Or do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? (Romans 2:4)

A heart that is contrite and yearning for the LORD, is a heart that has been changed through Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit.  When hearts identify with GOD’s heart, it invariably draws us closer to Him, our church family, and His Word.  Ultimately, we become intimate with Him, and therefore indulge in the blessings, and joy, in sealing an intimate relationship with Him. By Him, for Him, and through Him.  Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. (Matthew 3:8)

Look around brothers and sisters, and witness what is happening all around us. Jesus warns us to be aware of the signs. Signs are all around us, in the news, on the social media, in our neighborhoods, across the continent, everywhere we look we seem to see evil.  And some, sadly are “embracing” the ungodly changes that are proliferating in our society as I type.

We need a revival, “Dear Abba Father, send us a revival” we need Your light, Your help, Your strength, Your guidance.”

There are some churches that are becoming apathetic, while seemingly accepting the rising disasters of ungodly ways, rules and issues.

Our Pastor shared an article written by Charles G. Finney.  A revival preacher, way before the great Billy Graham, and the other greats of our century.  He wrote an article (I’ve included the link below my devotional should anyone care to read it in its entirety)  it’s both profound and to the point.  And appropriate for this pivotal and dangerous time in society.

An excerpt from that article follows below.

“If a church needs a revival, it is because religion has declined in their lives and hearts. They are backsliders in heart and filled with their own ways. They have fallen into sin. They have grieved the Holy Spirit. They have disobeyed the Golden Rule. They have dishonored and wounded Christ in the house of his friends. They have betrayed the son of man with a kiss. They have held up a false light. They have been a stumbling-block to the world…”

Powerful, prolific, and prophetic.

I’m truly praying for a revival; we so desperately need it.

But it’s so much more powerful when we do it together as one body in our LORD Jesus Christ. Amen.


Father God, we cry out to You, and we know You hear us, we cry ‘Abba Father,’ and our hearts are with You, LORD show us the way, forgive us our sins, teach us, lead us, guide us, on the path of righteousness, we need You, and You alone, only You can stop the fires of evil, only You can temper the minds of the weak, only You can heal our land, and only You can decide our fate, You are in control, we give You our hearts, and we trust You, and You alone, may Your will be done, in Jesus name, Amen.”








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