DEAR GOD: My Hero, Jesus!~


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him…” 

John 3:16-17 (ESV)


While watching the news, and listening to answers posed to individuals, I felt immediate sorrow.  The question was,who is your hero?  The answers were varied, the participants were a mixed batch of both young and old.  The responses came quickly to some. Most were naming “sports legends” and “actors,” but notably absent to me, was the one and only answer that jumped into my mind immediately!


It caused a myriad of emotions to surge within my heart, body, mind and soul.  First one was “sadness” that no one recognized the obvious answer.  The second was righteous anger for what a good portion of the population considers a “hero”   And the third was hope, that one day they will see that our LORD is the One and only, true altruistic honorable and Holy Hero!

Jesus was, is, and always will be the ONLY One who could ever have the power to save us, and we need Him to save us, so we can live with Him forever in heaven. Jesus is the ultimate Superhero with the ultimate superpower. Jesus is the Son of God.

There are many people in job capacities that can be considered heroes, but none were mentioned in the mix of this population; such as medical front line workers, all first line responders, etc. But they weren’t mentioned.

Instead…Actors? Sports legends?  That’s what this world considers heroes??? Really?

For me, the definition of a hero is selfless and unconditional love.”   And that would emphatically represent…Jesus.  

If just one seed begins to sprout, and take root, and one sinner comes home, all of heaven will sing and rejoice.  Hence, I am ever hopeful, and always ready to share the Gospel and my love of the LORD.  It’s up to those of faith to spread the good news, and it’s up to God to do the watering.

Who is my hero?  JESUS!  JESUS!  JESUS!

Let me ask you this very important question.

“Who is your hero?”

“Father, thank You for Your Son, my LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ, may I always be in Your service, in Your army of righteousness, and may I always be an example of Your love in all I do, all I encounter, and all I say, thank You for being my Hero, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”