DEAR GOD: Victorious Always and Only in You~

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Joshua 1:8 (NIV)
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful…


Finding success and obtaining victory can be done, not by “ourselves,” but through God, and His strength and grace.

Joshua’s assignment, after Moses’ mission was ended, was to continue to bring the “children” back home to Israel.  And it was a long, bloody battle, but Joshua never gave up on trusting the LORD, and realized that through Him, and Him alone, he would be victorious.

Obedient, and surreptitious in all he endeavored, Joshua eventually brought the children back home, and he accomplished that which the LORD commanded; therefore, success and rewards were realized by Joshua, and the children of the land.

God’s Word sets the standard for our success. It also provides guidance for living our daily lives. When we do God’s work according to His will and purpose for our lives, we ultimately experience success.

God’s strength, which gave Joshua courage in the face of strong opposition. He sought God diligently for direction and advice.  The same applies to today’s times.

We may be thousands and thousands of years from when it happened, (approximately 1398 BC) but the same applies to this very day.

When we follow the LORD’s Word, and consequently put it into practice each day in which we are here on earth, we will be successful, and protected by the LORD.

Opening up your heart and surrendering to the LORD while acquiescing to His directions, path, and love, we can live a life we were meant to have, while serving God in His army.

Trusting God is the only way to go. He is the only Being that will never let us down, and the only Being that will never break His promises.

Promises are offered by His grace and His love.

Promises kept are the surety bond in which we have as children of God. Promises said, promises kept, love unconditional the rewards of being followers and obedient.

When we come into the land of forever, the Paradise of Eternity, it will all have been worth it. When we collect the rewards that our Father has promised us, and we sit down to supper with the Lamb!  Amen!



“Father, may I always do all according to Your will, may I recognize Your Sovereign nature and power, may I realize Your promises are forever, and Your love is all consuming, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Joshua 6:20
When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so, every man charged straight in, and they took the city. (NIV)