DEAR GOD: Moments in Silence, I still Hear You~








In the quiet of the early morning hours, just before the sun shows its face, while the lingering twilight is still spanning my backyard, the quiet engulfs me as I start my day.  I embrace the peaceful “noise” of the outdoors, while looking up at illuminating sky.  In that solitude, the very first moments of my day when I “hear God’s voice.”

It seems His voice/word and Presence is clearly apparent, as I take it all in, thankful for yet another day, and another way to be a servant to Him in all I do.

We all have our moments, and experiences we can talk about to others, honoring God, and testifying of His great ways and love.  And we can sense and feel Him through good and bad times. But sometimes the quiet moments are where you can “hear” Him in the biggest way.

“Be still and know I am God” Psalm 46:10 takes on a whole new meaning when you are alone in the solitude, without interference from the world, or “noise” from the world.

Running to Him during bad times, we are drawn closer to Him, as we need Him and His healing and wisdom to get through it.  We run to Him during chaos, and we cling to Him with requests as we pray for others.

But the best spent moments, for me…are the morning hours…all alone, before the “world” wakes up, and before the noise crashes into my orbit. It is where I am the calmest, and the most comfortable.

During those moments in which I give Him thanks for another day, I am so grateful to be alone with Him.  I am so selfish of my time with Him. I don’t want “anyone” or “anything” to interfere with my special connection and encounters with Him.

Are you aware of His voice during the quiet times? 

Are you aware of His Presence while you are alone?

During those times receive the blessings from above as this is a gift to be able to “hear” His Words as certain Biblical passages come to life!  Right in the midst of “silence” the ring of truth will peal exploding into your heart and soul.

O to be loved by God, there is no other love such as His love.

“Father God, thank You for the special moments of the early morning hours, and all of the hours after, I love You today, tomorrow always, and I look forward to spending time with You all the days of my life, and beyond, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


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Again, he limits a certain day, saying in David, Today, after so long a time; as it is said, Today if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

Hebrews 47