DEAR GOD: Your Ring of Fire~

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Psalm 34:7-9 

God’s angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray. Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him. Worship God if you want the best; worship opens doors to all his goodness.


Even though the world seems to be “aflame” with horrific examples of pure evil perpetrated all over the continents, rest assured as a child of God, we are encircled by His consummate love and fire of protection.


My personal walk with God is an adventure I maintain and treasure each moment of the day.  So, whenever the world attempts to engulf me in flames of despair and sorrow, I’m happy and content, knowing I am in the “circle of His love,” and that God is an all-consuming living breathing fire that goes “both ways.”

Standing within that circle of protection, His fiery love deters evil from entering, and lifts and guides me, all the while keeping me safe.

I am encircled by His love, profoundly protected and nourished at all times. And knowing that is a feeling in which I am rendered incapable of comprehension, other than to say, “He loves me!”

As He does all of His faithful followers.  He is a God of promises, of unyielding patience, and unconditional love that knows no bounds.

His Significant Being becomes my “compass” of reality in all that I endeavor to undertake on a daily basis.  His strong hands which encircle me, guides me to a place of tranquility, irrespective of the chaotic surroundings.

He is the One who gives and keeps on giving without ceasing. And the One that I can count on, no matter the circumstances or events.  He knows what’s best for me, and He knows “when” it’s best.

There is nothing but His timing, and His outcome, and that is alright by me!  For He wants only the most prosperous outline for my journey in life, and therefore I surrender to Him fully and without reservation.

How fortunate to stand within the circle of hope, peace and love!

“Father God, thank You for the unrelentless and pure love You bestow on myself and others, Your ways are beyond description, and Your Magnificence is magnified exponentially by Your Word, Your promises and Your Presence, may I be ever thankful, mindful and obedient in all my ways, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’s precious name, Amen.”