DEAR GOD: Listening to Your Voice Today & Always~~




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I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you, life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore, choose life, that you may live, you and your descendants,

to love Yahweh your God, to obey his voice, and to cling to him; for he is your life, and the length of your days, that you may dwell in the land which Yahweh swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (WEB)



One only has to read this powerful Bible Verse to understand what is happening in the world, and then will be able to acknowledge that most “are not” listening to His Voice at all.

Blessings or curses? 

Which do we fall under? 

Are we held to the “values of mankind?” 

Or are we held to the “values of God?

One would truly have to be hidden deeply within the confines of a virtual cave or off the “grid” to not be aware of the prolific violence, dissension, and mean-spirited behavior that is seemingly happening “everywhere” at this point in our lives.

“Shootings, muggings, murders, drugs, pandemonium in our country and around the world…”

God is the same yesterday as He is this very moment in time. YES!

As you read this entry, He is watching, and lovingly waiting for us to pay heed to His Words.

His voice and His alone.

He doesn’t play with Words or make false promises. In fact, those of faith know that His promises are real, and are in place as of this very second, and will be until the end of time and beyond.

Our Father is patient, compassionate, and wants us to prosper. He doesn’t enjoy seeing this “dark consumption” over our lives.

If ever is the time to put down our tablets, phones, and turn off the “streaming” devices, and deliver a good old fashioned “Knee mail” it’s right now!

Times are perilous, but with God there is a path of hope.

Times are rough, but with God there is a path to tranquility.

Times are dark, but with God there is a straight path of brilliant light.


Open your hearts, love Him with your mind, body, strength, and soul. Lean not on your own understanding, in all of your ways, acknowledge Him, and He WILL direct your paths! (Proverbs 3:5)

Be blessed or be cursed? 

I would think the answer and choice is abundantly clear!

“Father God, I believe in You, and Your promises, I hear Your voice, I know that You will protect those that honor and obey You, and Your Voice, help me to be strong in the days ahead, and help me to do all according to Your will, and purpose, in my life, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”





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