DEAR GOD: Hope in You & Your Glory~

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Hebrews 6:19

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,”


“This hope” is the promise of God in Christ Jesus, a high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek (Ps 110:4), of our inheritance in the Lord.


Living in the hope zone” or are you living in the “hopeless zone?”

When you know God and trust in Him, (Proverbs 3:4-8) He will guide us, direct us, and lead us, and bring health to our souls.  Without Him, our souls are sickly, and in need of repair.  He repaired us when He sent His Son.

God created us to live in the hope zone and have a confident expectation for the future, through the LORD and the LORD alone.  God created us to be purposeful to stay within the parameters in which He calls us to.  His will be done.  And His will shall be done, and it should be reflected in all we do, here in this lifetime, and in Eternity.

This life that God has given us is not a hopeless life, instead it is filled with expectations, and goodness, and it comes from within each of us.  (Romans 8:15-17) It is not a “grave filled existence” but instead, it is a “joyful existence in which we LIVE.”

God’s Spirit touches our lives, and He enriches it, today and always.  He lets us know who we are, we are His children, and we will have an unbelievable inheritance!  He promises it on to us, all of us! We go through the hard times with HIM, and we go through the good times with HIM!  He is with us always.

When we trust and hope in Him and believe, we are able to scale mountains with ease, stay afloat in the stormy waters.

He is our Anchor!  —(Hebrews 6:19)
“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil…”

Losing hope will bring a unilateral “darkness” surrounding your life, and your loved ones as well.  Because if you live in a “hopeless” zone, it will invariably affect those around you, every single day  in which you live.

When you live in a “hope zone” filled with love of Christ, the “light” will shine from within to without, and therefore reaching your overall persona, your spirit, and ostensibly it will benefit those around you.

Which zone do you live in?  

Hope or Hopeless?

I believe the decision and choice should be abundantly obvious if you want to live productively and joyously, but most especially in Christ!

LORD, I choose you and the HOPE ZONE!

“Father, I choose You and trust in You and Your glory, and I want to serve You and You alone, I am anchored to You and Your Word, and You are the anchor for my soul, and Your Spirit anchors me to You, and I will not live outside of the “hope zone” and I thank You LORD, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”



1 John 3:3
 And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.