DEAR GOD: My Loving Companion~


John 14:26 CEB

 The Companion, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I told you.


Ever feel instinctual vibes? The kind that either “whisper” about a circumstance, place or person?  Or the kind that “screams” about a prospective move concerning your finances, residence, or position in life overall?  Not surprising if you answered “yes” to any of those questions above, especially if you’re a Christian.

Christians know that “instinctual vibe” that is more commonly called the “wisdom and unction” of the Holy Spirit that lives in Christians, who’ve accepted Christ, as their LORD and Savior.

I can’t speak for those reading this entry, but I can say confidently without an iota or inkling of doubt, that I’m able to live” only because of Him.  Without His constant direction, guidance, and loving advice, I couldn’t handle any aspect of daily activities without Him being my constant, and faithful, and loving companion.

We are instructed to “call upon” Him, pray without ceasing and acquiesce to Him in all we do.  1 Thessalonians 5:17

We are informed of His promises, in particular, that He will never leave us, or forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

When we love Him with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and lean not on our “own understanding” He will in fact, guide our path.  When we realize we are not wise in and of ourselves, but through Him only, we will have health and prosper and grow spiritually. (Proverbs 3:5-8)

His Word and promises will never end, they will never fade away, (Isaiah 40:8) and they are the essential life tools in which we are to obey, and inasmuch, we will survive and do all we are called to do.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of the LORD. (Romans 10:17)

Life undoubtedly can get tough, but it will be a lot easier to handle with Him leading and guiding us through it all. What we each go through isn’t uncommon, in fact it has happened to others as well, but suffice it to say, God will never give us more than we can handle, and He will bring us through it and show us the way out, Amen! (1 Corinthians 10:13)

So, we have a choice. Either we walk this earth with blinders on, haphazardly strolling down wide paths, that can ultimately lead to difficulty and emotional upheavals.  Or we have faith, and let the Holy Spirit guide us, and lead us onto the “narrow path” of righteousness, for His namesake (Psalm 23).

Clearly the choice is obvious to those of faith. For those who haven’t gone this route before, I ask you…what are you all waiting for? 

Be blessed, be loved, choose Christ and get ready to live like you have never lived before. Amen!


“Father, I thank You for Your continuous guidance, I am so grateful and blessed to have You as my constant Companion, I trust in You fully this day, tomorrow and always, may I be ever mindful of Your Presence, and Your Word, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”