DEAR GOD: Resting in You~





 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.  For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 

Hebrews 4:9-10




We all need a goodnight sleep in order to rest our bodies in order to optimize our health.

But did you know that we also need to rest our souls?  I’m sure most of us of faith know how crucial resting in the LORD can be to our overall foundation of Christianity.

Jesus went off to pray and “rest” with His Father during His time on earth. He often went away from the distractions, noise and people to pray, thereby gathering strength, rest and solitude with the LORD, allowing Him to take on each day fully replenished.

We all need time away from the “world” to listen to His voice, to meditate, and be guided by His will.  Meeting God all alone on a daily basis, solidifies our spiritual relationship further. It grows exponentially, and becomes more profound in love, respect and trust, thereby enhancing and permitting our roots to grow deeper and deeper still.

Spending daily time alone with God, also prepares us for life overall. It helps us to handle things or situations that would otherwise be too difficult to take on by ourselves.

The next time you get into bed to rest your body, ask yourself; “did I rest my soul today?”  And if not, why didn’t you?


“Father thank You for spending time with me every day, and for listening to all of my complaints, and handling all of my problems with the ease of only which You can do, I love You and may I be ever mindful of Your presence, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”