DEAR GOD: Giving Thanks for Our Gifts~


Wishing we were like “others” or feeling inadequate next to another individual’s accomplishment is not only a defeatist type of view, but did you know that it can defy all we know as Christians? The answer is yes, it most certainly can when you consider that God made each of us, and put us together precisely, and exactly as we should be, ready to do what He created us to do! Amen!

Going beyond our physical characteristics of eye color, hair color, height, race, so on and so forth…we are all created by one God, and one God alone, who made us exactly as we should be.

So, guess what? When I attempt to sing a song, I may carry a tune. However, I assure you that I’m also going to clear the room and send dogs and cats running as far away from my voice as their little legs can carry them.  While another individual will bring people into the room listening to a voice that can only come from God Himself.

What’s my point? We need to be happy and satisfied with who we are, and with what gifts the Father has given us.  After all, He spent an incredible amount of time choosing our parents, our conception, and our birth.  And we are who we are because of who He is, and we are all the same in His eyes, irrespective of our background, our singing voice, or in my case lack of singing voice.  It is in preparation for what we do, how we live, who we are.

I’m an introvert. My sister is an over-the-top extrovert!  My brother is in between. Same parents, upbringing, but different personalities, all from God.  My brother can play various instruments, my sister is a phenomenal public speaker. Whereas I wouldn’t be able to stand in front of an audience, let alone to speak.

I’d rather write a thousand-word essay in college; my sister would rather stand in class and speak her answers.  My brother could do both.  I am horrible with numbers, my brother excels at that, my sister too.  Again, all siblings, yet all different in gifts.

Nursing homes depress my sister and brother. I felt alive and useful tending to those in need, caring for the infirmed and disabled.  My gift from above.  My sister’s gift was being a nurse in pediatrics, my brother was being an accountant.  All different, all useful, but again different gifts.

So, the next time you say, “Oh I wish I had blue eyes” Remember, God made yours brown for a reason.   Or I wish I was an extrovert, well God made you an introvert for reasons that you may never know, or eventually know…but accept it graciously and know who created you.

Being an introvert worked beautifully for me as I tended one-on-one to the residents/patients.  Or working with individual family members concerning their loved ones.  So, my personality was geared towards my career, and I thank God for it.

Have you thanked God for your gifts today? 

Do you recognize that you are who you are because of Him? 

And do you realize that He never makes mistakes?  

Aren’t you happy that there is only one “you?”

And aren’t you even happier there is only one God?  



Father God, thank You for my gifts, for creating me to fulfill a purpose in Your plans concerning my path and life, I thank You for all You do, all You are, and all You have blessed me with, may I continue to give You all the praise, glory and honor You are so worthy of, in Jesus’ name, Amen!”

DEAR GOD: Be Inspired From Within~


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You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

       Christians are keenly aware that we already have the Spirit within and the ability to do various deeds in the name of Christ.
And when we pray for “patience” that we already have it due to the characteristics of the Holy Spirit which dwells within us?
       When faced with decisions or things that are difficult to comprehend, all we have to do is focus on the “Spirit” within and ask for His guidance to bring us a solution or dissolution to whatever it is troubling us?
       How about when a sense of foreboding washes over us that something is going to happen, and you simply don’t know what to do about it…the answer lies within.
     Paul is very clear in Romans 8:9-10. He outlines what we already know that Christ is in us.  We have the gift and blessings of having the “Comforter” living within, and therefore the answers to things that we ordinarily wouldn’t have, had we not accepted the Spirit to dwell inside of us.
 Knowing Christ as our Lord and Savior is perhaps the biggest joy we can ever possess. It’s our treasure that lies within that affords us ample opportunities to undertake endeavors of all kinds, and bear up against all odds, only because of Him and His power.
       The next time when praying for “strength, patience, or righteousness,”… we already have it…all we have to do is ask the Spirit within for help and guidance, and He will never ever let us down.
         And remember most important of all…
it’s His timing, His will, and His power, that makes all things possible.
        How amazing is that? 
       And how amazing is He?
       “Father, thank You for the Spirit within and for leading, guiding, directing, and protecting me today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Resting in You~





 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.  For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 

Hebrews 4:9-10




We all need a goodnight sleep in order to rest our bodies in order to optimize our health.

But did you know that we also need to rest our souls?  I’m sure most of us of faith know how crucial resting in the LORD can be to our overall foundation of Christianity.

Jesus went off to pray and “rest” with His Father during His time on earth. He often went away from the distractions, noise and people to pray, thereby gathering strength, rest and solitude with the LORD, allowing Him to take on each day fully replenished.

We all need time away from the “world” to listen to His voice, to meditate, and be guided by His will.  Meeting God all alone on a daily basis, solidifies our spiritual relationship further. It grows exponentially, and becomes more profound in love, respect and trust, thereby enhancing and permitting our roots to grow deeper and deeper still.

Spending daily time alone with God, also prepares us for life overall. It helps us to handle things or situations that would otherwise be too difficult to take on by ourselves.

The next time you get into bed to rest your body, ask yourself; “did I rest my soul today?”  And if not, why didn’t you?


“Father thank You for spending time with me every day, and for listening to all of my complaints, and handling all of my problems with the ease of only which You can do, I love You and may I be ever mindful of Your presence, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: I Seek You Only~


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But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33 (KJV)



This scripture basically serves as Christian marching orders in the “Army of God.”  Seeking His face, Kingdom and His righteousness is somewhat of a template in how we should live according to His will and purpose; without getting entangled in the snares of the “world.” Which is to say, things of no significance in the overall grand plan of salvation, and our inherent eternal rewards.

This verse is one of His great promises that represents God’s love and meeting the needs of all His children.  He knows what our needs are, spiritually and physically, and therefore He provides a powerful “Book of scriptures” solidifying His love and confirming we can truly TRUST HIM and Him alone for all our daily interactions.

Our merciful Father gives us His devout Word that if we look to Him and His doctrine as the first and foremost part of our life, then all we need in terms of thriving shall be provided, by Him and His never-ending love for us.

No matter the circumstances, no matter the tides in which you swim, realize that God and He alone is the One for the answers, and the One to rely on totally, completely, unequivocally, and without one iota of doubt!

Are you aware of just how truly amazing our God is?


“Dear Father, may I be ever mindful, aware of all Your promises today, tomorrow and always, and may I glorify You in all I do, turn to Your path of righteousness, and never waver in my trust, love or obedience to You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


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