DEAR GOD: Waves of Tribulations~



John 16:33

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”


Did you ever just sit and observe the oceans rolling waves along with its thunderous roar?   It’s kind of like life isn’t it?

I mean, we all go through scenarios during our years on earth, and some are great, others not so good.  We can become as a pretzel twisted up inside, trying to just keep our heads above the depth of our circumstances that plague us.

The thing is God is with us for all these times. And although there will be times, when a rainstorm will creep into our tranquility. And one storm after the other pours down on you or your loved ones. However, please keep in mind, there will eventually be a “rainbow” at the end of the tumult. That is a promise by God, and God never breaks a promise.

His promises may be instant.  Or His promises may take some time.  But one thing we know for sure, His timing is perfect.  And that it is according to HIS will, not ours.  Got that?  His, not ours.

Just when we think we are drowning and there is not a dash of hope, or a glimmer of light in the darkness… God will throw us a life jacket and provide the brilliant light taking us to the harbor of safety.

Praise His Holy and Powerful name!  Our Sovereign and Omnipotent Father. Worthy of all glory, today, tomorrow and always.

He will give us the strength to endure. He will keep our feet on the foundation of the Rock. And He will love us unconditionally as He leads us into His meadows, by the still waters.

Please don’t despair. You may be handling an enormous amount of pressure in a certain area right now.  Or you may be hurting from a failed relationship. You may have received an ill report from your doctor.  But hang on!  God has major plans that man can never see nor accomplish without Him.

With God we can be triathletes!

We can climb Mt. Everest.

We can we Olympic champions.

With God all things are possible.

Seek Him and open your heart to the One who matters, and the One who can change your life forever.

Go ahead, call on Him.

It’ll be the “best call you’ll ever have made in your entire life!”

“Lord, thank You for bringing me out of the depths of the raging waters into a placid sea of love, thank You for rescuing me every time I am facing a trial, You are with me always, and I feel Your love constantly, may I always be aware of Your voice, Word, and love, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




Romans 8:18

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us.


Psalm 91:7

A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.