DEAR GOD: God’s Will Not Man~


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“It does not, therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.”

Romans 9:16


As a follower and one of faith, there is a consistent theme. We grasp the universal experience that all God’s people and their salvation is of God’s will. 

God’s mercy is powerful and loving. It was Christ, His Son, the unblemished Lamb, offering us salvation, through God’s will. 

It is His glory, and offering that allows us to be forgiven, and transformed by His Spirit, and it is His will that governs this world. 

Of course, we ultimately have “free will” but never forget that He is in control of ALL things at all times and can change things in a nano-second.

I’ve many stories that I’ve written about in my books, concerning miraculous recoveries, full blown healings, and divine intervention.  I always fully believe that no matter the scenario, we go to God in full prayer.  When a human says “no” — God says “yes.”  If HE WILLS IT so.

A doctor can help diagnose a patient, and then speak about the proposed treatments.  But only God can do “the healing” if it’s according to His will. 

A friend of mine needed heart surgery, she had a hole in her heart, several blockages, plus a leaky valve. The doctor wanted to put her into surgery immediately, but my friend wanted to go home and pray about it.  Some people might think that’s foolish. But to her it was important, as she is a devout Christian in every sense of the word, and felt she needed to pray long and hard for God’s direction.

She waited about one month, much to the chagrin of her family, children, grandchildren, etc.  She had her pastor pray over her, along with deacons of the church, anointing her with oil as they did so. (James 5:14)

She then went back to the doctor to ask him to take another Cat Scan angiogram of her heart. The doctor thought it was “unnecessary radiation” and urged her to just schedule the surgery.  My friend insisted on the cat scan, and so the doctors begrudgingly agreed, and after the diagnostic test, went to review the findings.

After about 50 minutes, three doctors came in looking perplexed as what she described as totally baffled and perplexed.

Well Jane, we don’t know what happened, but your heart is like a 30-year-old. No sign of clogged arteries, your valve is not leaking, and there is definitely no hole in your heart. We can’t explain it. We processed and reprocessed the findings, and no doubt we must have made a mistake the first time we diagnosed your condition.”

To which my friend said, ” Excuse me Doctor, but have you met my God?”  

And that is only one, of several hundred cases that I personally know of with spontaneous healings, that some doctors explain away as accidents, or errors. 

However, we as Christians, know that God heals, and there isn’t anything God can’t do. And with God there is no such thing as an “accident or coincidence.”

With man it’s impossible. With God ALL things are possible. 

Those of you who are facing trials, whether physical, emotional, mental, know that God is with you. And even if “humans” are dictating the course of your life, know that only GOD can change things.  Only God is in control, now and always.

Never give up, never lose hope, and always, most of all, trust in God, and His miraculous power and infinite love.

Remember, “Humans might say No.” 

But only God, can say “YES!”

“Father, may I always know that You and You alone are in control of my life, I am in Your capable and loving hands, all the days of my life, and may I never lose sight of Your unending mercy and love, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


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