DEAR GOD: Peace Can Only be Found in YOU~

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How do we receive God’s peace?

One of the key components is to remember without a semblance of doubt that “we are not of this world.”  However, we do “live” in the world, and by being in the world we are subject to chaotic moments that will try to steal our inner calm.

Our hope is in Christ because obviously in Him we all will have true and lasting peace. He promised us, and when have you ever known God to “pull back on His Word?”  Never and so we know it to be true, we find peace in Him and through Him.

Some of our greatest challenges in life is to trust God especially while we are afflicted with inner turmoil or exposed to a whirlwind of stress and despair. But our Father wants us to “keep your mind fixed on Him.” Peace of God will come from remembering His promises and allowing Him to guide us while teaching us His ways; in other words, fully surrendering to His will and realizing He is fully in control, this very moment and always.

Jehovah Shalom which is interpreted to mean — “I am the God of peace.”

The LORD is peace, and when we take the time to look at all of the verses in the Bible speaking about His peace, we begin to absorb, and take in the full meaning of “who He is” and what it means to open up to Him and His glory. As we read and “hear” the Word, our faith is reinforced and strengthened to higher heights of Christianity.

Our peace can be threatened by scenarios or situations that might bring us unrest.  This happens when we “let the world in” intruding on our solitude of Christ.  If we allow chaos to “overtake” the sanctity of our inner “spirit” it will surely disqualify us from the “peace of Christ.

How’s that again?

Christianity doesn’t mean we don’t face “hardships,” it means we are able to “overcome” them through Christ, His peace, and love.  When we dwell on our own circumstances, and think in “negative” aspects, we are bringing the “world” into ourselves, it can be quite suffocating.  We then begin disengaging from Christ.  Therefore, by keeping our eyes on Christ, and His peace, and taking in His promises, we are fully victorious through Him, time and time again.

Holding onto Christ is the difference between “living” or “existing”

Choose His Peace and “LIVE.”

Are you at peace right now?

If not, invite Him in and start “living” in a whole different world!

“Father God, thank You for Your infinite promises that I receive daily, by Your love and guidance I am able to live apart from the chaotic ugly sounds of the world, Your voice and Your Words lead me, guide me, touch me, heal me, and I give you all the glory Father, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”