DEAR GOD: Believing God Over Man~

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Personally, I don’t believe anyone over God.  This is not to say I don’t “really think everyone is lying” or that no one tells the truth. I just mean to say, simply and truly, that I will negate facts thrown out by individuals that God could otherwise “change” in a second flat.

There have been vast occurrences that transpired during my life that rendered me speechless, and emotionally spent. Yet even during those moments, I never doubted for one moment that my LORD was in control, and that things could change if “He willed it, on a dime!”

Doctors in particular who go by “statistics” concerning their patients, and muddle off things like, “you don’t have more than 4 months to live”  or “get your things in order.”

I’ve had friends who thought their lives were seemingly over, after physicians thought their days were numbered, and they’d be gone.  They were packing up items and getting their affairs in order while suffering in anguish, thinking of their family and loved ones.

“Ahem! But hang on doc, Do you know our God?  Have you meant Him?  Do you know how powerful He is?  Do you know He is in control and that He knows when your time is up?”

There are many true cases involving such scenarios and I’ve written about them in various books, but one that stands out is “Jack,” who was given a one-way ticket out of the doctor’s office.  He was told that after a series of diagnostic tests he had very little time left due to stage four cancer, and his liver was riddled with the disease. There wasn’t anything else they could do for him. It was over.

He left dejected, and in shock.  His feet took him to a church off the beaten path, and the Pastor prayed over him, along with various prayer warriors, and deacons.  Afterwards went home and began to put his will together, all the while praying to God for guidance, help and strength, to withstand that which was coming his way.

Jack scheduled a checkup within three weeks of that initial dire diagnosis of “lights out” warning from the doctor.  And so, with heavy heart he went, albeit reluctantly, to his follow-up.

But hold on! 

What’s that Doc? 

What did you just say? “

“I don’t know how to explain this Jack, but after numerous tests, and meticulously repeating the cat scan four times, there is absolutely no evidence of cancer in your body, and in fact your liver looks as good as a 20 year olds! There is no explanation for this phenomenal outcome!”

As I’ve said previously, “Do you know my God Doc?”

That was over 12 years ago, and Jack today is living a very happy life, and is so thankful to God for that miraculous healing.

No, it wasn’t a misdiagnosis.  These tests were completed in two different hospitals.  They were concurred by various medical staff.  And second and third opinions were sought.

The explanation is quite simple. “God is in control, not you, me, the doctor, or anyone else on this earth.  And when anyone says there is no way you can survive, remember that God has the final say!”

Anyone out there reading this, please know that God has the final say, and it is ultimately His will as to what happens in our lives.  When we have faith and trust in Him, there are no boundaries, and nothing is too big nor too small for our God to handle.

His power is limitless, His love unsurpassable, and His promises unbreakable. And His Word is gold and pure and sure!

So, if anyone says, “there isn’t the slightest chance you will find love; there isn’t any way you can be cured of your disease; there isn’t any way you will get out of your financial hardship; there isn’t any way you will get over your phobias” —etc., etc., no matter what the comments or scenario may be.  You look them squarely in the eyes, and say with all of your heart and soul, “Have you met my God? Nothing is impossible with God!”

And then walk away victorious in Christ!

Amen and Amen!


“Father, I know not to put my trust in anyone but You, for You are in control all the days of my life, and You alone can heal, You alone are my provision, You alone are my Rock, and You alone are my fortress of strength, not anyone but You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



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