DEAR GOD: Your Will & Guidance Never Ending~





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“Thus, you can see what the will of God is, good, pleasant and perfect”
Romans 12:2 


The will of God is God’s Sovereign governance of all that will come to pass, as evidenced by many passages in the Bible, that teach God’s providence over the universe which encompasses everything from the smallest details of nature, and human decisions.

As you will recall in Matthew 10:29, “not one sparrow falls to the ground apart from our Father in Heaven” which solidifies He is in control and governs all.

 “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”
  (Proverbs 16:4)
God’s presence already exists and dwells in the hearts of those who accepted Him and seek Him and His guidance on a daily basis.  Submitting to God doesn’t mean “okay I’ll sit back and do nothing.”  It means to trust Him implicitly and hear His voice and His direction for your life. And then act upon what it is He has ordained for you to do.
It means to establish a relationship with Him, an intimate one that infuses His Spirit with ours, in order to be grafted in accordance with His will and purpose for our lives.
Asking God for direction and wisdom in making judicial choices, is essential to the foundation of Christianity to those of faith. There is no decision that is neither too small nor too big, for God to be involved with 100% of the time.
He is a “present Father” not an “absentee Father.”   He is a glorious Father that gives unconditionally every single moment of the day, all the days of our lives.
The best thing we can do with our time here on earth is to comply and do the best we can and strive to please Him, honor Him and love Him, while canvassing this journey called life.  With God in the center of all that we do, we are able to “glide” through the roughest times and be successful as Christians.
As God establishes His will, we must have peace, because the final result will be highly beneficial.  Ostensibly, it there is an abundance of pressure, turbulence and discomfort, it means you are “doing it alone” and may have pushed God aside, and therefore out of your life, hence the discord.
Giving God “full access” will grant a plethora of opportunities and rewards, that otherwise wouldn’t be apparent had we said, “no” to God, and acted on our own. When we act on our own, firstly we are saying, “we don’t need Him” and secondly, “we won’t have peace.”

God has plans for you and me, His plans may not always be easy, but His plans are ultimately going to be “the best for each of us.”


You know sometimes I ask God to help me find something I lost in my house, and He always finds it for me!   Therefore, I personally know that nothing is “too big nor too small” for God to get involved with.  As long as it concerns us, God wants to be involved.  Amen!








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“Father, thank You for every single aspect of Your involvement in my life, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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