DEAR GOD: Seconds of an Eternal Lifetime~

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For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

Psalm 90:4 KJV




All of the seconds of life— are all in God’s hands. As He watched me take my first breath, one day He shall see me take my last. And welcome me into His Kingdom, the very one He’s spoken about since the beginning of time.

The seconds of our lives are preordained by God. He knows how many times our hearts will beat before it stops.  He knows how many sunrises and sunsets we will see. He knows what is going to happen an hour from now, as He knows what will happen tomorrow, and the day after.  In other words, our Sovereign and magnificent God, is with us each step of the way. He is in control at all times.

Although we have “free choice” He knows the nuances of our very persona, and He knows what’s in our hearts, and what we need or desire.

Every single second of the day, He knows.

Those seconds go by quickly…and within those seconds we should “shout praise” to the One and Only LORD God Almighty.  He is the reason for all of the seasons, and His love is expressed in ways our human minds can barely grasp.

No matter where we live, or what we do, it’s how we spend our seconds that counts. And most of them should be in reverence to God, and His Word, and His will.

When we live to please God, and assembly ourselves to become “one of the Saints” in God’s army, we are establishing a place in our eternal home, whenever that time comes.

The seconds are ticking away, but the way we live is what “counts” as the passing of time becomes eternal rounds by the hour. As we live within the parameters of God’s doctrine, and commandments, we are establishing a permanent place at God’s table.

When we make all of the seconds in our lives be all that God calls us to be, we are trading those “seconds” in for “endless time” as we enter into our Eternal rewards.

Until then, make all the seconds here on earth matter.

And bear fruit in all that we do,

and all that we say,

and all that we are,

for all that HE IS!



“Father, may I be all that You want me to be, and may I count each second a blessing from above, and aspire to all I can be, according to Your will and purpose for my life, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”


For you, a thousand years are as a passing day, as brief as a few night hours.