DEAR GOD: You’re All I Need~






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Philippians 4:19 ESV

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Yesterday while driving to the nearest grocery store, I opted for the “more populated route.”  It was against my better judgment as I can’t stand fast moving roads, and cars riding my bumper.

We’ve been living here for 34 years, and we’ve seen an incredible difference in road courtesy these last several years. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been changing steadily throughout the years, however it’s reached a new height this past year.

Cars were whizzing past me like I was standing still.  We came to a stop light and there were two cars honking at each other.  And after a couple of mutual “vulgar gestures” they moved on when the light turned green.

I said to my husband, I’m never coming this way again. I’ll take the countryside route, and enjoy the scenery, horses, cows, chickens and farms. 

He smiled knowing how I am, along with my stance on “angry drivers” that can lead to “road rage.”   I pull over if someone is in a rush, tailgating my bumper, I just wave them on.  Or, if an individual honks the horn when the light has changed, and I dare to linger more than a 10th of a second, I don’t respond.

Here’s my thoughts.

This type of behavior is carnal, and I’m not into it.  I try to walk by the spirit, I said “try” because not one of us is capable of perfection!  Anyhow, these games on the road seem to be spawned by self-pride, along with a frenzied manipulation of others.

In other words, it has nothing to do with God. And when something has nothing to do with God, I have absolutely zero interest in.  Not to mention, these days, it can be “exceedingly dangerous” to engage in tactics of aggression, which could easily catapult into disaster with tragic consequences.

Nope, not being “dramatic” by describing it as such, I’m only going by what I witness on all aspects of media, and print.

I shy away from things that are chaotic and frivolous. People have asked, “How do you stay so calm?”

Simple, one word answer...”God.”

Of course, personalities have a lot to do with how one reacts.  But when God floods one’s life, from morning to night, and His Word is hidden in our heart, and we meditate on it…it is the single most prolific weapon to have in the world today.

Therefore, all we need is GOD!  

I push away the world, and welcome God in my life.

I push away the darkness that engulfs a good portion of the world, and welcome God’s bright light in my life.

I push away the “noise” of the world, and welcome God’s peace and soothing “voice” in my life.

I push away the “filth” of the world, and welcome God’s purity and cleanliness in my life.

I push away the hatred in the world, and welcome God’s love in my life.


The next time you’re in traffic, and cars are honking and/or riding your bumper. Smile and close it all out, pull out a favorite verse, say it aloud and embrace God.

It works every single time!

“Father God, I thank You for Your peace, love and strength. May I always walk in the light, embrace Your Word, and be a reflection of Christ in all I do, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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Matthew 19:26 ESV

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Galatians 2:20 ESV

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.