DEAR GOD: Praising You Daily~


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Staying one step ahead of the “enemy” is easy with God.  After all, God defeated death, that is to say the enemy, and He is with us always, promising never to leave us. (Matthew 28:20)

The enemy wants us to suffer, to doubt ourselves, and to cause misery and chaos in all we do.  The darkness that the enemy lives in and by, obviously, is the antithesis of the LIGHT of the world.  That blasted enemy wants to do all he can to bring us into the ‘dark’ and conform us to all things not of God.

What do we do?

We stay positive, despite our circumstances.

We praise God even more.

And we trust Him with all of our being, every single second of our lives, now and always.

And we stay in HIS WORD.

Being in His Word, is the most powerful weapon we have in our fight in this spiritual warfare.  We have to be armed, and forewarned in all things we see, engage in, and hear.  In order to be successful against the maneuvers of the enemy, we must seek God in all we do, and align with His Word, (Armor) while putting it into practice on a daily basis. (Ephesians 6)

Meditating on His glory, while celebrating His love is essential to being prosperous in “life.”  And ostensibly, being in His Word, essentially is “LIFE.

Without God, we are “dead” spiritually, and consequently vulnerable to the wiles of the enemy.  The world is “the enemy,” and to be outside the realm of God, is to be in treacherous and dangerous ground.

When we are encompassed and wrapped in the foundation and Love of God and His Word, we are held up by His right hand of righteousness.  We are afforded the significance of His power, while surrendering to His will.  We are acknowledging that He is in completely and undeniably in control at all times.

Giving Him due praise all day long, is something that should be as natural as breathing. Yes, there are times, we are hurting physically, mentally, emotionally or all of the above…and the noise of the world shuts down our progression of our spirit.

Don’t let that happen!

God is with us always. When we go through the fires, armed with His Word and truth, we are victorious through Christ, each and every time, and we send the enemy running, and fleeing all battered, and bruised. (James 4:7)

Hallelujah, praise God and Amen!


“Father God, thank You for Your glory, Your love, Your promises, and Your Word, I honor and adore You and offer You praise, now and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”