DEAR GOD: My Abba Father~

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“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’

Matthew 22:37 (GNT)


So, this is Father’s Day, and although my “dad” passed some 21 years ago, I still think of him with memories that are indelibly marked in my heart and mind. He was an amazingly kind, loving, and compassionate dad.  I was his ‘baby girl’ even as he walked me down the aisle over forty years ago.

Later, during the reception of my wedding he hugged me as whispered in my ear, “You will always be my little girl, I will be here for you the rest of my life. You may have become a wife today, but you’ll always be my little girl. Don’t ever forget that.”  I never did, up until he left this world.

God gave me the gift of life, and blessed me with a wonderful adoring dad, and mother.

I am so happy knowing he is with my Abba Father right this moment. My dad…whom I loved and always will…is with the Great I AM!

Gifts from above, all center around “love,” and love is what Jesus commanded us to fulfill, “love them as I have loved you.”  John 15:12

He sent His Son to die for us and our sins, and to set us free.  He wanted us to be cleansed and to join Him forever and not to be separated by ugly sin.

Salvation, and eternal rewards when we’re called home.

Wow!  Now, that is what I call LOVE!

So, my LORD above, “Happy Father’s Day!”  You are the most amazing Father in this Universe, and I acknowledge there is none like You anywhere.  You are my Abba Father, whom I’ll love, cherish worship and adore forever and always.

And Lord, thank you for my dad!  He was all the things a dad was supposed to be, and really so much more.  Can you tell him, “Hello” for me? And tell him, “I love him?”

Today in celebration of you Abba Father, and Your unparalleled love… I lift my hands up high and say, “Praise You LORD for all You’ve done in my life, I couldn’t have done any of it without You!”

And to my earth dad, “Thank you, for all you’ve done, all the days of my life, from birth until your very last breath.  I love you daddy, and I always will. Until we meet again, enjoy being in the presence of the LORD!”
