DEAR GOD: Nearer Than We Realize~



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Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Deuteronomy 31:6 (NJKV)



No matter how many times I’ve read Matthew 28:20 this important verse from Christ Himself, never ceases to uplift and fill me with love, and a deep abiding appreciation for my Savior.  “…And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

In God, we live, move and exist.

God is closer than we could imagine.

For those of us who have accepted Jesus as Saviour, we’ve become the dwelling place for The Holy Spirit.

God dwells within all His believers.

The fact that He is with us everywhere we go, in everything we do, or say, is monumentally overwhelming, when we take the time to really “grasp” the enormity of what it truly means!

He knows all of the things we are going to do or say, before we even know we’re going to do it or say it.

I’m sure many of you reading this, have said things that you’ve come to regret later on.  Something that just “escaped from your lips” and within seconds you groaned inwardly, and thought, “yikes, why did I say that?”

Guess what? God already knew you were going to say it, and He also knew that you were going to be upset and regret having said it.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if God gave us a “clear indication” and/or warning that we were going to do or say something beforehand?

Maybe if he sent a text message or email once in a while… “Dear Beloved Child of Mine, on Monday afternoon at 1:14 pm, please don’t say anything, just keep your mouth safely closed during an encounter between you, your cousin, and co-worker. Trust me with this one.  With Lots of Love, God.”

Wouldn’t that be great? Huh? Well, that’s not going to happen anytime soon.  However, we already have something that’s close to an email or text from God, and that’s a discerning spirit.

We will usually make the right decisions with His guidance, and gentle nudging to walk the straight and narrow.  Not to say that we won’t fall short at times, because if we don’t, we wouldn’t have the strong connection with God, making us realize just “how much we really need Him in our lives.”  

And with each mistake, or wrong word, we grow innately closer to Him, and our spiritual roots become further entrenched in the soil of Christ’s foundation.

Knowing He is “right here” with us, right this very moment is powerful!

He is never away from any of us. NEVER!

He is next to me, and probably smiling as I exalt Him and promote His glory through my words and actions. Amen!

Remember this, God is never far from us, He is closer than we think. Not just today, or tomorrow…always.

And when we move on from this life, we will be with Him forever.

Now I ask you this, “How amazing is it to be a follower of the One and only true God?”

“Father, I know You are with me always, and I ask that You speak over those who don’t know You yet, that they would realize that You are present, here and now, and I pray that they would know Your glory, and Your love, and welcome You into their hearts, as I have welcomed You so long ago into mine, I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.”