DEAR GOD: Guilt & Anguish- Not from God~


An individual I’ve known for years is going through quite a bit concerning her health, various issues surrounding her husband, their relationship and life overall. You could feel her pain by the timbre of her voice, along with her rapid breathing, which indicated high anxiety.

I listened for a long time as she spoke about many things, and then I noticed a pattern with her mode of communication.  It was a constant shifting over to “guilt” and “self-persecution” which was to the point of saturation, and it was suffocating her.

Her reference was about going to hell because she wasn’t “good enough” or following the strict guidelines of the particular church she belonged to.  It was a self-willed proclamation of man-made rules and regulations that Jesus warned about. (Matthew 15:9)

In a sincere effort not to offend her, or disengage her from speaking further, I gently reminded her that God loves her, and how Jesus died for her.

She listened with avid interest but reverted back to the “iron-clad rules” of her church, and how if she doesn’t do this-that-and-the-other, that she will surely perish. Crying out, “It’s so scary, so difficult.”

I began to give her her scriptures, concentrating on Christ dying for us, and His words of “it is finished” (John 19:30) while on the cross, and why we are truly forgiven. And spoke of salvation and grace from the LORD.

All the time I was desperately trying to deflect from the gloom and doom of the “doctrine” she is currently following at this particular church.

I told her never to feel deserted, that Christ is with us always, even to the end of the age, not to feel lonely or unloved (Matthew 28:20) 

Slowly she came around and her despair was visibly lifted.  The part about Christ being with us always, touched her heart and soul profoundly.  She opened her Bible and read the passage aloud, it seemed to reinforce her soul, and a fresh touch washed over her being.

I concluded with these words, “God loves us all.  There is but one unpardonable sin, and that is to say blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 12:31-32) She started to cry unabashedly and whispered through her tears; “Wow! I am forgiven because He loves me! Enough to die for me!”

To which I said, “Amen Sister, Amen!”

Loving God is easy. But listening to man and His ways is not.  It’s a difficult and crooked path we walk upon when we’re not armed with the Gospel Armor. And when we follow the ugly footsteps of the world, life is chaotic.

Following Christ is a life filled with “light, love and peace.” Because we know the truth! (John 14:6)

 Loving someone and being in a relationship takes a lot of time and hard work. Ostensibly, loving God, and following Him is flawlessly easy, when we comprehend the tenets of His doctrine and realize the plan for our lives.

Love earnestly, listen with compassion, act judiciously when warranted, and be openly humble in surrendering to God and His Grace.

And above all, love Him and accept Him as LORD and Savior over your life while prostrating to His will at all times.

When we do this, nothing can ever separate us from the joy of loving God! Or from our eternal rewards when we are called home and are in the presence of His glory. Hallelujah! (Romans 8:39)

“Father, it is with great joy I honor You, as I look to You for all the answers in, and around my daily activities, and in my journey during this time on earth, may I be ever grateful, ever responsive, and align with Your word, and not man’s, today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”

1 John 2:3
By this we can be sure that we have come to know Him: if we keep His commandments.