DEAR GOD: Your Creatures Stir My Soul with Love~

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Psalm 136:25

He gives food to every creature. His love endures forever.


While out back this morning, I delighted in hearing the precious sounds of nature.  The perfumed garden provided delicious aromas to add to the sensational surroundings. Two chipmunks were frolicking about, three squirrels patiently waited for their “breakfast” and two beautiful Cardinals swooped down directly in front of me, and stared for what seemed like an eternity, in actuality it might have been about 30 seconds. It was a female and male Cardinal.

My soul immediately stirred with compassion and love for these precious creatures of God. I love God so much so, that all of His creatures fill my heart and soul to overflowing.

I know a lot of people of faith will say, God is everywhere.  And of course, He is.  But I wonder, how many really take the time to embrace all facets of this world (despite the ugliness that is going on at this time) and see, hear and acknowledge the pure beauty of God’s Magnificence.

The world is “noisy” troublesome and “chaotic.”

But have you ever noticed how “peaceful” God’s landscape is?

How melodic the birds are?

How regal and resplendent the Cardinal is?

It’s been said, look for God’s beauty all around you, irrespective of the “unrest” and uncertainty in this world.  But did you realize it doesn’t have to be found in a perfectly manicured backyard?  It can be a flower growing in the crack of a sidewalk peeking out from amidst the weeds surrounding it.

It can be a mud flower sitting majestically in the middle of muck and mire.

God is everywhere and there is nowhere that God is not!

He is the quintessential essence in which “we breathe” and which we exist.

He is the foundation upon which we walk.

He is the pinnacle of substantial heights of love within us all.

He is the “Great I AM” so great that it is impossible to measure.

His love is endless. It always was and always will be.

Just as He “always was and always will be” for all the ages, and for Eternity.

Look around and see if you can take notice of God’s splendor along the way, today, and every day.

I am in awe of Him and His prolific love.

Tomorrow morning when the “creatures begin their day,” and the Cardinals and other little ones come calling, I will rejoice and loudly proclaim, “How awesome is my God?”


“Father, how grateful I am for all of Your creatures, for all of Your works, for Your relentless and unwavering love and protection, I just want to honor and love You, my precious LORD, today, tomorrow and always, may I always be in awe of You and acknowledge You in all I do, I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Psalm 145:15-17 The eyes of all creatures look to You, and You give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand, and You satisfy the desire of every living thing. The Lord is fair in all His ways and faithful in everything He does.

Psalm 145:9-10 The LORD is good to all, And His mercies are over all His works.