DEAR GOD: Moving in Trust—Again~

  For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

2 Timonthy 1:7 (ESV)

Phobias can truly paralyze individuals and hinder their full potential to actually “live.”   It can literally stop them in their tracks, and create havoc and mayhem in their lives, both physically, and emotionally.  It can stunt the growth of the Spirit and suffocate your very being.

An estimated 9.1% of Americans, more than 19 million people, have a specific phobia, and many people have more than one specific phobia. The prevalence of specific phobias in teenagers is higher at 15.1%. More than twice as many women as men have specific phobias. And with this Pandemic “winding” down, it brought many “new people to the table of anxiety.”  It created a steady emotional trickle-down effect of a different type of reality for many people.

Harsh images, horrific scenarios ringing out on a daily basis throughout our land, both near and far, is a fertile breeding ground for “phobias” to be born. And not only those in the non-secular population…but those of faith as well.

Myself included, if truth be told, I became overly cautious and stopped doing many things I had done prior to this pandemic.  And even though I have a deep abiding and passionate love and belief in the LORD, it happened to me as well.

I reach for the Bible, I talk with God daily, and I open my heart and soul to Him and His will…yet there were specific times where my mind (battleground) starts thinking of scenarios of “what if?”  Which can be detrimental to overall well-being in terms of healthy living without stagnation in a cloud of “fear.”

Fear is NOT from God!  It is not what He wants for us.  It is not what He set us free for.

Adrenaline can be helpful in certain situations, and that is how God designed our bodies to work.  But in everyday life, “fear” has no place for those of faith.  It is a cancer to the soul and can produce guilt in knowing “we should know better” –— so it can become a cycle of residual ups and downs.

I have many dear friends. However, I’d like to share about one in particular who lives overseas, who from afar touched my heart, and touched my soul.  I’ve no doubt God used her to deliver an important message.  “Go out and start doing things you did prior to the Pandemic. God is with you and will protect you from all things, isn’t He the One in control of your life?”  

That and several other things she shared with me opened my heart to the reality, that of course God is in control!  Something I’ve always known but needed a “fresh touch” and God showered me with this message, and my cup overflowed.  And he used my beloved friend to get it across to me.  It’s so amazing when he uses the “angels” here on earth to do that. I’m always in awe when that happens.

He wanted me to know, “Hey, I’m with you always. No matter where you go, no matter what you’re going through, I have you in my arms, and only I am in control of you, and what happens in this world, no one else. Just Me.”

This vivid “fresh touch” pushed me to move in the right direction, and be thankful for all the seconds, minutes, hours and days of my life.  I have work to do here on earth, until He says, “come on home” whenever that is, but until such time. I have things to accomplish and do, through Him, and for Him.

For those reading this, that have been affected by a traumatic event, or exposed to an issue that has rendered you into a mass of “fear” and “anxieties.” Please don’t be hard on yourself, or feel guilt, just place yourself in His mighty capable hands.  Realize that He has been with you since your first breath, and He will be with you when you draw your last.

So, all of the days and moments in between, hold on to His hand.  He will guide you…and He will love you, unconditionally. He will show you the paths to walk upon. Just trust Him. (Proverbs 3:5-8)

Immerse yourself in His Word and meditate on His promises (which are many—especially Psalm 91) and grasp the reality that He is fully in control.  He is the King of this Universe, and He is our loving Father at all times.

Thank you to my beautiful friend, and sister in Christ on the other side of the world.  I am blessed that God used you to get to me! Bless you sister!

When you feel like you are stuck…ask God to “give you a push” in the right direction.  I assure you; He hears you at all times and will help you.  Sometimes it’s from the least expected sources. In my case…a friend from the other side of the world!

“Father God, thank You for bringing me back to the forefront of what is important.  Living life to the fullest, without components of fear, but to trust You every second, all the days of my life, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”





Caring note:
Please realize this is not meant to be taken as medical advice, but merely as a “caring” Christian to Christian concern.  I am not a medical doctor, just a Christian who loves God, and my fellow brothers and siters.
If your phobia is severe to the point where it may be interfering with your life, you may need to seek help from your qualified medical professional.