DEAR GOD: Truth Devours Lies~


 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32 (KJV)


Lies can sometimes penetrate through truth. However, make no mistake… the truth will ultimately devour it, thereby setting us free.

What does this mean?

Simply stated, it means that although lies can be heard, and sadly at times believed by some, eventually the truth will be found out.

It is in my experience as a retired healthcare worker in a nursing home, that “lies” had a way of being exposed. I was blessed to have been a Nursing Home Administrator a good portion of my career, and to have cared for the elderly my entire career.  Being a part of their lives as their confidant, counselor and advocate, a great majority of them, in the end were set free from the self-confined prison in which they existed.

I witnessed many of my patients accepting the LORD before being called home. The moment they accepted the LORD into their heart, their whole countenance changed dramatically, exceedingly so.  Their eyes became brighter, and their frail bodies seemed to come to life from within. Their mind-set was greatly overhauled, and their outlook was no longer dim.  Instead, they were grateful for the moment and eagerly looking forward to their eternal rewards. They knew where they were going after they passed from this world, they finally knew the truth, that Jesus loved them.  Their sins were forgiven, their past behind them. They were filled with peace and their joy was personified.

The truth has a way of devouring lies, and cleansing a soul, setting it free.  As Jesus said, “the truth shall make you free.”  This passage accounts for so many aspects of our lives.  And it applies to an abundance of circumstances concerning life overall.

We have all been exposed to lies somewhere along the way; on the news, in the media, conversations overheard, or maybe a friend confiding in how lies messed up their marriage, or relationship with a loved one.  No matter where, or how a lie is perpetrated, have faith…because that lie will be “devoured” and exposed, and consequently, the truth will be revealed.

Hearing the Word of God, and His truth, is singlehandedly the most powerful weapon we can possibly equip ourselves with.  His Word, and our unwavering faith, have endless possibilities, and will explicably counteract lies, darkness and consumption of self.

It promotes health of body, mind, heart, and soul. The Holy Word has the healing balm in which a person will invariably thrive by being in the light. It has a way of keeping us strong and willing to take on any adversity that comes our way, which includes spiritual discernment of knowing when something is “false” and a lie.

Embrace the promises of the LORD, and hold onto the truth in current days, tomorrow and beyond. For the truth keeps us free…and the truth will live on in Eternity, when we are eventually called home, and where we shall enjoy the fruits of our labor, forevermore!

“Father God, thank You for Your light, and Your truth, it is Your Word that keeps me going, no matter what, all glory and honor are Yours, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: Your Promises Are So Clear~




There isn’t any path that God won’t guide us.

There isn’t any question that God doesn’t have an answer for.

There isn’t any promise that God won’t fulfill.

Don’t underestimate God in any circumstance, scenario or event of your life.

Taking a leap of faith, and staying on course with God’s promises, and will for our lives, is essentially the catalyst in which we will find peace, and prosperity.

Faith is our inner belief of being aware that there is a God, and He has given us a set of principles and guidelines to follow, but most important, it’s our barometer in which we live.

It is accepting Christ as our LORD and Savior, and the Son of God, who died for us.  It is acknowledging Him in all we do, accepting Him and surrendering unconditionally to His will and purpose for each and every one of us.

When we believe and put forth that belief in everything we do and say, it begins to manifest in every area of our lives.

God releases His power into those who trust Him.  Sometimes, we can be conflicted, or feel guilty, because although we believe and love Him…we find we are acting contrary to “trusting and believing in Him.” That sets up a sabotaging camp of deception within our mind.

Instead of giving into false concepts and taking cover under an umbrella of “lies” being spun by the enemy.  We need to take refuge under the wings of our Almighty Father and push away the “guilt” that’s a false gift from the enemy…and accept the true “gift of God” which is His promises, and ultimately His love.

When we Accept His promises and walk by them in every aspect in everything we do, everyone we face, and apply it to every given moment of the day, we will be undeniably rewarded here today, tomorrow and always.  And we will please God as should be our first and foremost goal. Amen.


” Father, how fortunate we are to have a God like You, that promises to keep His promises, and is with us all the days of our lives, and we will be gain eternal rewards when we are called home, may we do all we can to please You always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”