DEAR GOD: Your Word, Your Say, Everyday~


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For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 (KJV)


Hearing the Word, to those of faith, is uplifting and encouraging, thereby strengthening our spirit, ultimately drawing us closer to God. By putting His Word into play, every day enables our roots in Christ, to grow deeper and more clarified, as we do all according to His will, and His say.

His voice is clearly apparent as we read the Bible, with various verses “speaking” to us.  How we apply that to the foundations of our life can be challenging at times, especially when undergoing situations that distract us from the Word.  That’s when the enemy tries to “sneak” into our lives.  When we are under stress, going through an ordeal, or standing by a family member or friend who is not in a particularly good place…the enemy will invariably “whisper lies” in your ears.  This is when we cannot be discouraged, in fact…we must be more encouraged than ever.  This is the time to really cling to Him and offer praise and thanks, for all He is, and trust Him to bring us out of the “ruins” and bring us to the “beauty” in the aftermath.

God’s Word is powerful!

It means to say that God’s Word has God’s power and His energy. Because it’s God’s word, it’s undefeatable. The Bible invariably has all the components and essentially life and power of God, teaching us, guiding us, reminding us, encouraging us, and infiltrating our souls.

Isaiah 55 says “the word of God does not return void” it does His work, powerfully, because the Word of God is alive and powerfully moving.

When we align our lives with His Word and “listen to what He has to say” each day, and do all according to His will, we are living with purpose and depth.

Each of us have various things to do, some more than others, or some may be at the crossroads of their lives trying to figure out what to do next.  We are all different in appearance, living in different areas, places, different likes and dislikes, bodily types vary, yet there is one thing that becomes our common denominator—we are all EQUAL in God’s eyes.  No one is better than the other, and we are all sinners, falling short of perfection.  There is only One perfect Being, the LORD!

We can make a godly impact upon others by being a witness for the LORD.  Starting the day with His Word, and listening to what He has to say, is an outstanding way to demonstrate His Omnipotence, by being an example.  A divine life can be reflected in our actions, and purpose, as we walk in the way of God.

Trusting in Him is crucial to the dimension of our spirit. We can be a one-dimensional type of individual.  Or we can be three dimensional, by the application of faith, surrender and love for God.  We will continue to grow when we trust, listen, apply and speak to Him from our heart, and know that He is front and center in all we do.

Obedience to Him, following His Word becomes joyful because we know it is wise, and has the biggest rewards.   Look beyond the present moment and realize that the end result is a life well lived.  Our dependence upon God enhances each step of the way, every single day for all the days on earth, and beyond!

“Father God, thank You for Your inspiring Word, and for Your love and guidance, may I do all according to Your will, and may I be an example to others by honoring You every single day of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”