DEAR GOD: Prayers for Your Ears~



In my distress I prayed to the LORD,

and the LORD answered me and set me free.

Psalm 118:5 (NLT)


God hears our voice before we even speak, He knows our thoughts, and realizes our needs, way before we even know what they may be. He knows our hearts, and we can’t fool Him even if we tried.  But then again…who would want to?

Calling out to God isn’t just some “ritualistic” or “perfunctory” part of our lives, at least it shouldn’t be.  Rather it should be a continuous path of free-flowing love, that overlaps everything we do from the moment we wake, until the moment we fall asleep.  Then the next day it should continue where we left off.  It’s a circuitous reflection of living while glorifying and exalting Him in all we do. How? It is by our behavior, our thoughts, our hearts, and our trust and belief that He is the One true God Almighty, our Omnipotent Father of lights, our King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen!

Belief and trust are a connection that grows deeper each time we pray and reach for His Word.  Spending time with our Father is rewarding spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  It enhances all aspects of our being, as we talk to Him and trust in the Great I AM.

How we approach Him, how we feel about Him, and how we follow Him in all His ways, is tantamount to being a Christian, and fundamentally the biggest part of who we are as “His children.” Which in fact should be reflected from within to all those we encounter everyday.

There is an awesome power in prayer, and it opens up pathways for us to walk upon. Paths that are straight and indestructible (spiritually) because of a relationship with Him.  It provides a balance of peace and confidence, because of His Sovereign power, which is an extension of who we are, when we believe and accept Him in our lives.

The work and the power of the Holy Spirit is phenomenal.

(Romans 8:26-28) He is with us always and intercedes for us…our Helper…the Holy Spirit guides, leads, directs, and gives us wisdom to know right from wrong.  He will lift us from the pits of despair, and set us on the highest mountain top, while His Spirit soothes us with His balm of love.

In fact, sometimes the Holy Spirit will “burden us” to pray, because He knows “what’s coming” for us down the road, and He wants us to seek Him fervently. It is a feeling that “lays upon our hearts”  It’s powerful. It’s beyond human comprehension.  But it’s true and real and oh so magnificent.

Tune in to Him in prayer and get ready for how life will change for the better.  Having a deep intimate relationship with God doesn’t mean “dire circumstances” won’t happen to us. But it does mean that He will guide us through issues that we ordinarily wouldn’t get through without His strength and love.

Next time we take time to pray, we must realize that it’s beyond words what’s happening as God listens and “speaks” to us.

He is listening.

He is with us.

He will guide us.

He will provide and sustain us continuously, even if it’s not the “outcome” we’re looking for.

His will is always perfect.

His answers are always on time.

Finally, His response to prayer is always best for each and every one of us.

My LORD, thank You for listening to my voice, even when I’m not speaking, I know You are faithful, and always want what’s best for me, I love my time with You, and I love Your promises, and Your word, may I be a faithful servant and please You in all I do, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

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