DEAR GOD: Your Love Covers us~




                  His banner over me was love.

                                               Song of Solomon 2:4



God is love, and His love cannot be described as we understand love, for His capacity to love us supersedes our ability to love Him.  It is beyond our basic understanding, in this realm, to grasp, or comprehend His love.  His quality of love differs tremendously from our own. 

Many believe that we do not deserve His love…which in actuality, we probably don’t.  However, God died for us, while we were still sinners, and in so doing, revealed just how prolific His love is for us.  There is no need to ponder, just how much He loves us, and He will always love us, as the Bible promises He will.

Love, by definition, is a commitment to the peace, joy, security, satisfaction, and development of another person and His well-being. To put that person in front of our own needs, and place that individual first.

God’s love is not based on emotions, like regular love…His love flows out of His changeless character. God is love, the Bible tells us so.   He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (John 4:8)

It is impossible for Him to do anything outside of His nature, and thus, His love will remain certain and dependable…forever.   And that is what He is, by definition–a Sovereign, Omnipotent, Prolific, Dependable God, of which His love we can be certain.  His love and mercy will endure forever.

God’s love is our gift, a priceless and totally immeasurable gift. God offers it to us freely, willingly, lovingly…independently of our feelings. Whether we think we deserve His love or not.  It is separate and distinct from our feelings towards Him. His love is open, pure, and overwhelming. His love is indeed a gift, and it is good.   Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is not variation or shadow of turning. (James 1:17)

God and His flawless character is boldly revealed throughout the Bible, time and time again… and throughout our lives–If, we take the time to get to know Him–I mean really know Him.

When we know Him, things will begin to materialize, and eventually will create a clearer picture.  We will be able to recognize His character, and be certain of His love, and feel the peace of this revelation seemingly in everything we do or say.

Our Father is perfect, and furthermore His love is perfect.  Every one of His characteristics represents perfection, and could not be improved to any degree.

How can perfection be perfected? He is that He is, and all that He is, represents love, certainty…and dependability.  He will always treat us lovingly in accordance to His love.

We walk under His banner of love, His canopy of love.  He loves us, and always will.  He loves us, even when we stray from the fold, His love is changeless.

He loves us when we wander from His will, or fall into some kind of mishap that defies His commandments…His love is certain.

He loves us when we disobey Him, and fall prey to foolish things that flesh sometimes can do…His love is dependable.

He loves us, unconditionally, purely and without any doubt. We walk under His banner/canopy of love.  So, never think for one moment, that He would walk away in dismay, for His love endures. The canopy never falls…and we cannot dismantle it.  God erected the canopy, and therefore it is impregnable.  It is unchanging, it is certain, and ever dependable.

God and His love…how amazing is that?

How amazing is He?

Just release any misconceptions or doubts about His love.

Just accept He loves us, before we were born, while we’re here on earth, and will love us when He calls us home.

So, rejoice under His canopy/banner, and smile knowing “He loves us“– in no uncertain terms, and that is something we can depend on forever…Amen~


“And Father how grateful we are to have You as the Master and Creator who provides, nurtures, protects, and loves us with the intensity of which none can match, thank You for being You and accepting us and loving us no matter what, to be under Your canopy is a treasure and a gift, thank You in Jesus name, Amen.”