DEAR GOD: Thank You~

He is not here, for He has risen,

just as He said.

Come, see the place where He was lying.

Matthew 28:6


Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

He is Risen!

Jesus Christ, our LORD and Savior!  He is Risen!

Do you know this love of Christ? 

His love is a love so significant and so intense, that it truly surpasses all means of human comprehension.

It is a love that forgives.

It is a love that heals.

It is a love that frees us from the bondage of sin.

It is a love that completes and unifies a wholeness in body, soul and mind.

It is a love that is bonded by His grace.

It is a love that ultimately allows us to live, not only here on earth, but for Eternity.

As humans, we are invariably in a cycle of sin. No matter how hard we try, we are flesh/human, and we cannot stop sinning of our “own accord.”  Sin will separate us from God, and sin has only one outcome. We need Jesus for the absolution and forgiveness. He is the way, the truth, and the life.

Thank the LORD for His Son, Jesus Christ, who laid down His life for us.

He paid for our sins, in full!

His ultimate sacrifice frees us from bondage/sin, and ultimately restores us fully thereby giving us access to His throne to have an intimate relationship with God. Amen!

Without Jesus, there is no light, and a huge void. And those with a void tend to fill it with other things, which can be hazardous, dangerous and addictive, ugly or evil.

The real peace and contentment come from knowing Jesus and accepting Jesus.

It’s by grace and love that we are forgiven. Jesus paid a horrific price for that freedom, and it’s the greatest gift and love of a lifetime.

Have you received His gift?  

Have you received His love?

It doesn’t happen automatically.   You must willingly receive it.  And accept Him as the LORD and Savior, and open your heart to Him, and His love, and invite Him in.

It all begins by declaring your love for Him.  And accepting Him as the Son of God. When we do that, the Holy Spirit will come and live inside of us, and we will be saved.  What a gift indeed!

He was risen to life again and reigns in heaven.

He wants us to know Him and be with Him, now and for all time.

When you pray sincerely and open up and invite Him into Your life, you are restored to a new beginning, and will gain inroads to a fascinating and incredible relationship with Him.

Accept Him, because no one gets to the Father, without Jesus! Amen!

“Dear Lord, I am sorry for my sins, and turn from them, I know You died on the cross and were resurrected to life again, I love You Lord,  I know and believe You are my Savior and Lord, thank You for the Holy Spirit, and for coming into my heart when I accepted You, thank You for forgiving me, and cleansing me, I honor You, today, tomorrow, always, thank You Father, for Your only begotten Son, for giving the gift of Eternal life in Paradise when called home, may I do all according to Your will and purpose, in Jesus name, Amen.”