DEAR GOD: Growth by Your Love & Spirit~




He must become greater and greater,

and I must become less and less.

John 3:30 (NLT)


When Christ is allowed His rightful place in our lives, we can be assured that we’re in the will of God, fully serving His purpose in our respective lives. So that wherever we are, or whatever role we have in the Body of Christ, and however varied or insignificant our ministry for the LORD may be—when Christ is front and center of every area in our lives—we are truly bound to say, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”  When we are witness to this truth, and proclaiming it by actions, words, and thoughts…we know we are following His purpose and plan for our lives.

John resisted the temptation to become “great” in the presence of his followers, for to do so would have been to diminish the importance of Christ.  So therefore, his testimony was “He must become more important, and I must become less important.”

Hearing this, John’s disciples believed the truth in their hearts, and followed the path of righteousness, while exalting the LORD and His greatness, every step of the way, every day of their lives.

The ability to grow in Spirit and purpose, lies the art, discipline and dedication of “getting smaller within ourselves” while allowing “God to fully blossom and be the central force” of our entire existence.

Knowing God’s canvas is there for us to “paint” while essentially bringing His truth, His glory, and His commandments to life, enables us as followers to illustrate, in great detail, who Jesus Christ is, and just what His purpose was then, today, and tomorrow.

Step back, get out of the way of God’s glory, “be still and know He is God”(Psalm 46:10) and allow the growth to transpire from within, to without. Amen!


“Father, thank You for guiding me all the days of my life, may I be ever mindful of Your importance and Significance during the course of my life, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”