DEAR GOD: Your Love Covers us~




                  His banner over me was love.

                                               Song of Solomon 2:4



God is love, and His love cannot be described as we understand love, for His capacity to love us supersedes our ability to love Him.  It is beyond our basic understanding, in this realm, to grasp, or comprehend His love.  His quality of love differs tremendously from our own. 

Many believe that we do not deserve His love…which in actuality, we probably don’t.  However, God died for us, while we were still sinners, and in so doing, revealed just how prolific His love is for us.  There is no need to ponder, just how much He loves us, and He will always love us, as the Bible promises He will.

Love, by definition, is a commitment to the peace, joy, security, satisfaction, and development of another person and His well-being. To put that person in front of our own needs, and place that individual first.

God’s love is not based on emotions, like regular love…His love flows out of His changeless character. God is love, the Bible tells us so.   He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. (John 4:8)

It is impossible for Him to do anything outside of His nature, and thus, His love will remain certain and dependable…forever.   And that is what He is, by definition–a Sovereign, Omnipotent, Prolific, Dependable God, of which His love we can be certain.  His love and mercy will endure forever.

God’s love is our gift, a priceless and totally immeasurable gift. God offers it to us freely, willingly, lovingly…independently of our feelings. Whether we think we deserve His love or not.  It is separate and distinct from our feelings towards Him. His love is open, pure, and overwhelming. His love is indeed a gift, and it is good.   Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is not variation or shadow of turning. (James 1:17)

God and His flawless character is boldly revealed throughout the Bible, time and time again… and throughout our lives–If, we take the time to get to know Him–I mean really know Him.

When we know Him, things will begin to materialize, and eventually will create a clearer picture.  We will be able to recognize His character, and be certain of His love, and feel the peace of this revelation seemingly in everything we do or say.

Our Father is perfect, and furthermore His love is perfect.  Every one of His characteristics represents perfection, and could not be improved to any degree.

How can perfection be perfected? He is that He is, and all that He is, represents love, certainty…and dependability.  He will always treat us lovingly in accordance to His love.

We walk under His banner of love, His canopy of love.  He loves us, and always will.  He loves us, even when we stray from the fold, His love is changeless.

He loves us when we wander from His will, or fall into some kind of mishap that defies His commandments…His love is certain.

He loves us when we disobey Him, and fall prey to foolish things that flesh sometimes can do…His love is dependable.

He loves us, unconditionally, purely and without any doubt. We walk under His banner/canopy of love.  So, never think for one moment, that He would walk away in dismay, for His love endures. The canopy never falls…and we cannot dismantle it.  God erected the canopy, and therefore it is impregnable.  It is unchanging, it is certain, and ever dependable.

God and His love…how amazing is that?

How amazing is He?

Just release any misconceptions or doubts about His love.

Just accept He loves us, before we were born, while we’re here on earth, and will love us when He calls us home.

So, rejoice under His canopy/banner, and smile knowing “He loves us“– in no uncertain terms, and that is something we can depend on forever…Amen~


“And Father how grateful we are to have You as the Master and Creator who provides, nurtures, protects, and loves us with the intensity of which none can match, thank You for being You and accepting us and loving us no matter what, to be under Your canopy is a treasure and a gift, thank You in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Forgiving & Compassionate Spirit~


“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” 

Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)


We all need to “rid” ourselves of anything that will grieve the Holy Spirit’s work in our life, or temper with our countenance that would otherwise be contrary to Christ.

Ephesians 5:1-2 (NIV)  “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

Because we’re human there’s going to be times, we will encounter individuals or situations that will test “our patience and spirit” therefore bringing us to a path in which Christ would not approve. 

A wrong path ultimately is responsible for destroying happiness, and overturning the apple cart bringing forth “spoiled fruit.”  We don’t want to do that, we need to let our “inner spirit” guide us, and allow Him to lead us onto the right path, by trusting in God, always. It will bring peace and health to your spirit and joy to your life overall. (Proverbs 3:5-8)

As we walk through life it is best to do so with compassion, kindness and most especially with “forgiveness” as the LORD has done for us and continues to do so to this very day.

Our LORD and Savior walked this earth with compassion and a Spirit of forgiveness.  While we fix our eyes firmly on Christ, and follow Him, we too should walk with a Spirit of forgiveness.  Watching our tongue, being careful to uplift and encourage where we may, and seasoning pour speech with salt and not bitterness, will empower us to walk a path of righteousness and forgiveness.

God didn’t leave us without supernatural help on our journey here on earth, He gave us the gift of the “Holy Spirit” our comforter.

As believers we are conformed to Christ the moment we accept Him as our personal Savior. This conformance comes from believing Christ’s death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.

Romans 6:3 teaches that we’re baptized into the death of Christ.

Thank You LORD and to that I say, “Come Holy Spirit” and conform us into the image of Christ!


“Father, help me to walk the path in which I should, help me to be a witness of Your love and light, guide me, lead me, direct me, heal me, in all thy ways, help me conform to the image of Christ,  help me to be compassionate and a forgiving nature to others daily, and may I do all according to Your will, today, tomorrow, always, in Jesus ‘name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Thank You~

He is not here, for He has risen,

just as He said.

Come, see the place where He was lying.

Matthew 28:6


Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

He is Risen!

Jesus Christ, our LORD and Savior!  He is Risen!

Do you know this love of Christ? 

His love is a love so significant and so intense, that it truly surpasses all means of human comprehension.

It is a love that forgives.

It is a love that heals.

It is a love that frees us from the bondage of sin.

It is a love that completes and unifies a wholeness in body, soul and mind.

It is a love that is bonded by His grace.

It is a love that ultimately allows us to live, not only here on earth, but for Eternity.

As humans, we are invariably in a cycle of sin. No matter how hard we try, we are flesh/human, and we cannot stop sinning of our “own accord.”  Sin will separate us from God, and sin has only one outcome. We need Jesus for the absolution and forgiveness. He is the way, the truth, and the life.

Thank the LORD for His Son, Jesus Christ, who laid down His life for us.

He paid for our sins, in full!

His ultimate sacrifice frees us from bondage/sin, and ultimately restores us fully thereby giving us access to His throne to have an intimate relationship with God. Amen!

Without Jesus, there is no light, and a huge void. And those with a void tend to fill it with other things, which can be hazardous, dangerous and addictive, ugly or evil.

The real peace and contentment come from knowing Jesus and accepting Jesus.

It’s by grace and love that we are forgiven. Jesus paid a horrific price for that freedom, and it’s the greatest gift and love of a lifetime.

Have you received His gift?  

Have you received His love?

It doesn’t happen automatically.   You must willingly receive it.  And accept Him as the LORD and Savior, and open your heart to Him, and His love, and invite Him in.

It all begins by declaring your love for Him.  And accepting Him as the Son of God. When we do that, the Holy Spirit will come and live inside of us, and we will be saved.  What a gift indeed!

He was risen to life again and reigns in heaven.

He wants us to know Him and be with Him, now and for all time.

When you pray sincerely and open up and invite Him into Your life, you are restored to a new beginning, and will gain inroads to a fascinating and incredible relationship with Him.

Accept Him, because no one gets to the Father, without Jesus! Amen!

“Dear Lord, I am sorry for my sins, and turn from them, I know You died on the cross and were resurrected to life again, I love You Lord,  I know and believe You are my Savior and Lord, thank You for the Holy Spirit, and for coming into my heart when I accepted You, thank You for forgiving me, and cleansing me, I honor You, today, tomorrow, always, thank You Father, for Your only begotten Son, for giving the gift of Eternal life in Paradise when called home, may I do all according to Your will and purpose, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Walking Solid Ground of Christ~

See the source image

According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:10-11


As followers of Christ, it’s essential to build our spiritual foundation, which in turn is vital to life, both here and in eternity. By adhering to God and submitting to His will, wisdom, and commandments, we are slowly building a ground that is secure in Christ and His values overall.

Envision if you will, a road that is treacherous and decidedly perilous as we navigate the road, we are reticent about walking upon it.  However, walking with the LORD, we are able to gain sure footing, because our foundation is built upon the LORD, thereby giving us easy access over the rough paths in which we walk.

Our invisible shield becomes “transparent” in all we endeavor, because He is with us always.  He never leaves our side, He is holding us, guiding us, and leading us all the while. His promises since the beginning of time are the same today as it was way back then.  His love and promises have NO EXPIRATION date!  It is ongoing.

Foundations can be literal and metaphorical.  Christ, naturally of course, is referring to our spiritual morality.  The foundations of this world are temporary and promises of “mankind” are not guaranteed. Ostensibly, Christ and His Word are set in stone, and His foundation is forever.

Jesus’ Foundation is the one and only secure ground upon which we can “build” and “walk.” Jesus protects us from every life-threatening storm.  The ground is never shaky or dangerous with Christ.

Knowing He is with us at all times is an inherent joy of being Christian, believing in Him and His glory, brings about a countenance of peace and wisdom, that can only come from Christ, Amen.

“Father God, it’s only because of You and Your grace, we’re able to walk safely on grounds that would otherwise be shaky, with You and Your light, the ground is solid, safe and secure, I thank You today and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

See the source image

DEAR GOD: Your Mercy & Love is Beyond Words~


 Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

Colossians 3:13(KJV)


Remember “love makes the world go round” a phrase that was used frequently, way back when…but seems to be lacking today, or at least it sure seems so. I one just has to turn on TV or pick up our phones streaming with news, and we see the antithesis of love all around the world, and right here in close proximity of where we live.

What can we do to offset the destructive patterns of worldly events?

We can try to fortify ourselves with an abundance of humility, and ample helpings of forbearance and love. When we clothe ourselves with “forbearance” it truly promotes and amplifies love and acceptance.

Christ demonstrated forbearance, and His love was clearly seen by His actions, His miracles, and His going to the cross willingly for all of us. His whole mission was about love and mercy, and eternal life for those of us willing to accept Him.

For individuals to live together, there must be latitude, and love enables latitude. When we love, we forbear, and forgive and adjust to various personalities, each unique and all children of God.

Sure, there are some individuals that might get on our “nerves.” Or some people who have idiosyncrasies that might send us over the edge with frustration.  But exercising temperance, and a firm commitment to Christianity, and all it entails, we’re then able to flow with a symmetry and fierce determination, that will make the LORD smile. He will be pleased by our exhibition of “love” for one another.

When we trust Him and His Word, and adhere to His will and purpose for our lives, it makes it easier to co-exist in a world of chaotic circumstances.  It makes it easier to “understand” the confusion or lack of communication that comes knocking at our doors.

Love and forbearance, represents Christ, and His Spirit is living within those of us who accepted Him as our LORD and Savior.  Are we doing all we can to align with His commandments, and His ways?  Are you following His voice?

With Palm Sunday coming up…meditate of all that Christ is.  And when we do, we can aspire to be the Children that He intended for us to be, and remember that He died for us, defeated death, and rose again.  For us!

Wow!  There are no words to define what He has done.

Love and forbearance for one another, is a good place to begin to honor Him, and exhibit our thanks, every single day from now and always. Amen!

“Father, thank You for Your love, sacrifice, and unmerited grace, may I be all that You intend for me to be, and may I honor You all the days of my life, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Holding Tightly to the LORD~




Hold tight to God, your God, just as you’ve done up to now.

Joshua 23:8 (MSG)

Joshua was warning others by instructing them to “hold tight” to the LORD. Explaining and guiding them to follow the guidelines and observe the commandments of God.

He adjured them not to depart from the ways of the LORD, and not embrace things of the “world.”  Instead, to faithfully and punctually, perform every good thing, while doing all unto the LORD.

He illustrates further, by being a witness to “all the LORD has done” for them thus far. To turn from evil, lest vast tribulations, and destruction creep into their lives, thereby bringing about an awful outcome.

Clinging tightly to God, irrespective of the circumstances we face, whether good or bad, is so important to glorify Him, and praise Him fully, faithfully every day of our lives.

It’s easy to praise God when things are going well.

Sadly, some just ignore Him, while things are breezing along on a seemingly placid sea.  Only turning to Him during rough weather.

Ostensibly, He expects praise and thanks, during the good times as well.  Or just a simple acknowledgment of His magnificence, and how much we love Him.  “Father, thank You for this moment in time, this very second, I love You and I belong to You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Holding on to values of Christianity, while demonstrating it through our actions, our words, and our thoughts, becomes easier every single day. Why? Because it’s an inherent part of who “we are.”  We are children of God!

We are warriors and soldiers, in the army of the LORD God Almighty! Therefore, we need to act as such.  We are all victorious through Christ, Amen!

Being a part of this prolific army, is to be considered blessed. And to follow the General and Royal God, is an honor that adheres to our very souls. It is inbred and infused in us, by the blood of Christ.  Thank you, LORD!

Today, praise God and follow Him in all you do.  And remember, it is He who leads, guides, directs and protects us, no matter the times, days, or situation.

To know this is to be at peace, and it’s a feeling that cannot be described or defined. To be a part of this grand army, one just has to embrace Him, accept Christ, and understand He is in control and loves us.  Trust Him, and He will do the rest, He will direct all our paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Do you know Him?  If not, may I suggest you get acquainted with the One and Only living God.  When you do, your life will change on a dime. Amen!


Father, thank You for Your hands of grace, Your instructions, and Your unwavering love, may I do all according to Your will, today, tomorrow and always, in Christ’ precious name, Amen.”






DEAR GOD: Growth by Your Love & Spirit~




He must become greater and greater,

and I must become less and less.

John 3:30 (NLT)


When Christ is allowed His rightful place in our lives, we can be assured that we’re in the will of God, fully serving His purpose in our respective lives. So that wherever we are, or whatever role we have in the Body of Christ, and however varied or insignificant our ministry for the LORD may be—when Christ is front and center of every area in our lives—we are truly bound to say, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”  When we are witness to this truth, and proclaiming it by actions, words, and thoughts…we know we are following His purpose and plan for our lives.

John resisted the temptation to become “great” in the presence of his followers, for to do so would have been to diminish the importance of Christ.  So therefore, his testimony was “He must become more important, and I must become less important.”

Hearing this, John’s disciples believed the truth in their hearts, and followed the path of righteousness, while exalting the LORD and His greatness, every step of the way, every day of their lives.

The ability to grow in Spirit and purpose, lies the art, discipline and dedication of “getting smaller within ourselves” while allowing “God to fully blossom and be the central force” of our entire existence.

Knowing God’s canvas is there for us to “paint” while essentially bringing His truth, His glory, and His commandments to life, enables us as followers to illustrate, in great detail, who Jesus Christ is, and just what His purpose was then, today, and tomorrow.

Step back, get out of the way of God’s glory, “be still and know He is God”(Psalm 46:10) and allow the growth to transpire from within, to without. Amen!


“Father, thank You for guiding me all the days of my life, may I be ever mindful of Your importance and Significance during the course of my life, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: My Tongue, Heart & Soul~





My heart is overflowing with a good theme;

I recite my composition concerning the King;

My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

Psalm 45:1


The tongue is an extraordinary instrument given to us by the LORD. It has been compared to rudders of ships powered by wind, but entirely directed by a very small rudder. Our tongue sets our destiny in all things, and especially during our prayers. We enter into thanks and praise, for all that God has done for us, even when the winds are contrary to it.

The thing is, we should never forget who sets the course for us to sail. We just have to be wise enough to navigate in the right direction in order for smooth sailing to ensue.

Personally, whatever I am doing in the course of the day, afternoon or evening, there isn’t a moment that I don’t recognize the LORD.  As I sit here writing this devotional which I’m only able to do, because of Him.  It is by the inspiration of His Spirit, and the glory of His love, and the gift from above that I can pen from my heart.

Enjoying a “conversation” with the LORD is hard to define to those who “haven’t come to the LORD.”  Because speaking with Him is like having a “dear devoted and loving friend” sitting alongside while watching a sunset, taking in the ambiance, sharing a story, while expressing unsurpassed love and devotion.

The dynamics that happen while “talking to the LORD ” is one of the great joys of living.  Knowing Him is knowing we will always be “safe” and watched over, no matter what, no matter where…every single day and beyond.

There are no guarantees or promises in life with people overall.

Ostensibly, the guarantees and promises of the LORD were written and delivered by His blood.  Amen!

Isn’t it a fantastic feeling knowing we are loved?

There is nothing else like it!

“Father God, thank You for Your promises, love and the blood of Christ, I thank You today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”