DEAR GOD: Your Loving Mercy & Grace~



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Hebrews 4:16

Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Our Almighty Father is a righteous and just God. Therefore, when one considers just how powerfully Omnipotent, and Holy our Father is, we’d have to concur, we’re truly not worthy to be in His presence.

God abhors sin. It is an abomination in His eyes. And the way His children were sinning, we were destined and doomed to eternal separation from Him, if not for His Son, Jesus.

In His infinite love and mercy, He made a huge sacrifice so that we could be with Him for eternity, thus sending His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jesus, experienced hardship, temptation, and things common to all, yet—He never sinned. He chose to die a painful and brutal death, taking our place, and therefore paying the penalty for our wrongs.

We must agree that there is no other love, as Scripture states, than to give up life for a friend (John 15:13.) Jesus would have undoubtedly done the same for only “one” person, that is how much He loved/loves us.  And how much our Father showed us Grace, Mercy, and Love.

Those of us who believe and follow Him, are blessed indeed. When we trust in the LORD, and surrender to Him, we’re readily adopted, and redeemed by Christ’s blood. His indwelling Spirit will guide us, lead us, and infuse us with joy, peace and endless love.

We’re always welcomed before the Throne of Grace. We can converse with the Father at any given time.  He promises to neither forsake  nor leave us. In fact, He’s with us always, even until the end of the world (Matthew 28:20.)

He listens to us, hears and responds to our repentant hearts, and knows our very thoughts. Jesus intercedes for us, and prays on our behalf.

Do we deserve the LORD’s invitation to have an intimate relationship with Him? No, we do not. But thankfully His Grace and Mercy say otherwise. It is in His infinite Grace and compassion that brings us the “gift” of forgiveness, and eternal rewards.

What an honor and privilege to be able to approach our King’s throne, knowing He cares for us, understands us, and patiently waits for us to seek Him in all we do.

When we rest in God’s Mercy and Grace, His love flows from within, and we can settle into a sweet fellowship with Him, all the days of our lives, and beyond.

Isn’t it astounding belonging to this “Royal Kingdom?” Isn’t it a gift to be loved by Him?

That would be an affirmative —Yes! & Yes!

“Father, thank You for the gift of Your Mercy and Grace, without Your sacrifice we wouldn’t have the glorious opportunity to approach Your Throne, and enjoy such an intimate relationship with You, may we be ever mindful of Your love, today, tomorrow, and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen!”